Chapter 31

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It was barely after midnight. Danielle was walking Nicole to her room after agreeing to stay the night with me. Thank god my mom is out of town this weekend. Damn I have so many thoughts and emotions going on all at once. I am not saying that we have to be home alone but no matter how far we go tonight I know it will be life changing.

The drive to Aiden's was a bit awkward. Not necessarily awkward in a bad way. I would say awkward because the anticipation was killing us, or maybe it was just me? I couldn't help but bounce my leg over and over waiting patiently. Aiden placed his hand on my leg to calm my nerves.

Aiden breaks the silence. "Are you nervous babe?"

"No,what makes you say that." I reply as calm as possible. I can tell Aiden is enjoying seeing me crumble at his feet.

"You are awfully quiet over there.  You must be thinking about me naked." Aiden informs me.

"What makes you think that?" I asked trying to get the picture of Aiden naked out of my head.

"I just assumed because I would be speechless at the thought of you naked." Aiden slides his hand up my thigh. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

"Calm down Danielle, I am only joking. I know you weren't thinking about me naked, but I bet you are now." Aiden says in a flirtatious tone. Dammit Aiden.

Aiden walks inside first and held the door open for me. As I stepped inside his room, I noticed everything was neat and organized. Aiden is by far the clean cut organized kind of guy. Did he have tonight planned? us here and now. There were so many questions starting to run through my mind.  Aiden gestures me to come closer to him. I abide and slowly walk towards him. I can feel the electricity growing the closer we get to each other.

"Danielle there is no need to be nervous."  Aiden tells me. I look at my feet trying to avoid eye contact.

"I love you Danielle and I would never do anything to hurt you." He kisses me gently on the lips and they tingle from his touch.

"I know Aiden, I ." I begin to say as Aiden's lips press against mine and I lose all of my train of thought. This was it, I was going to give all of myself to Aiden. There was not a single doubt in my mind that this is what I wanted.

I reached under his shirt and began to explore his chest. I felt Aiden's body tense as he migrated closer to me as I continued touching his body.

Aiden rests his head on my forehead. "Babe are you sure this is what you want?" He asks as he tries to catch his breath.  I nod as I reach to pull his shirt over his head. Damn, I thought to myself as I enjoyed the view in front of me.

"Now I know you are picturing me naked." Aiden blurts out and I couldn't help but blush. He wasn't wrong but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"What are you going to do if I was?" I challenged Aiden and was literally knocked me off my feet.

I saw the mischievous grin that formed on Aidens face. Oh god, what is he going to do. Aiden swiftly picks me up and I wrap my legs around him as he carries me to his bed.

I was so anxious about this exact moment for so long. I mean don't get me wrong, I have been with other guys before but with Aiden it was different. The fact that I am in love with him and I know he loves me, makes it a thousand times better. My night with Aiden was absolutely perfect.

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