Chapter 16

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This girl is straight up laughing at me. You have got to be kidding me. Here I am on one knee putting all my weight on the pavement might I add, pouring out my heart to Danielle and what does she do? She laughs at me like a psychopath would laugh.

"Aiden come on get up and let's go inside." Danielle begs

"Not until you answer my question." I bluff I'm not going to lie this shit hurts but I can't back down yet.

"Fine." She sighs. " I will be your girlfriend. Now please get up you look ridiculous." She smiles.

"Good I don't think I could stand to be on this pavement much longer." I say and Danielle must think I am joking because she laughs. The sad thing is I am being serious.

Aiden and I spent the rest of the summer together. After the incident with his dad, Aiden packed up most of his things to stay at his Mom's. I wasn't complaining by no means because I enjoyed every minute with Aiden. I discovered something new about him everyday.

I am still shocked that my boyfriend is on the high school surf team! Aiden is so good that he has scouts looking at him for college. Aiden had to spill the beans when he had to go back home for practice. Surfing was the only reason he went back home, not to see his dad but to not let his team down. I know that the longer Aiden avoids going back to his Dad's the more complicated it will be.

I finally talked Aiden into taking me to one of his surf practices and he was phenomenal. The way he glided over the water so effortlessly was amazing. Aiden has a true talent. I on the other hand couldn't even sit on a surfboard without falling off. I made a note to do my research on the sport as soon as I made it home.

"Aiden, there is only two more weeks before our senior year starts. I think it might be time for you to go back to your Dad's house and get settled." I explain trying to be gentle. This was the conversation we both have been avoiding and it was coming full swing.

"Danielle I am not ready to leave. Leaving makes this seem like the end and to me it is just the beginning." Aiden pouts.

"We will see each other on the weekends when you come down to visit your mom" I say and he frowns.

"What did you expect? We are going to two different schools Aiden. Maybe our relationship has run its course. Maybe we are just a summer fling." I begin to ramble and saying those words out loud felt like a knife was stabbing me right in the heart.

"Danielle don't doubt us. You are starting to sound like my Father." I press my hand against Aiden's cheek trying to cheer him up.

"I am sorry Aiden you are right." I apologize

"You bet I am! That's not the only thing you are right about. I should go back home that way I am settled before school starts. I will only go back if you promise to go on a date with me." Aiden says winking at me.

"Yes Aiden we can go on a date." I answered smiling ear to ear because we haven't technically went on a date besides our dinner date.

As soon as Aiden dropped me off, I went straight to my laptop. Googling anything and everything about surfing. I found some surfing terms, some were obvious and others were very confusing.

Ankle busters – waves that are too small to ride

Party wave – a wave that several people are surfing

Clean wave – a smooth wave, with no bumps

Pop up – the move surfers make to move from lying on the surfboard to standing up to surf

Wave hog – a surfer who will not share a wave

Men in grey suits – sharks

Why not just call them sharks?

360 – a surf move consisting of turning the surfboard at a 360-degree angle while on the face of a wave

Aiden did that move lot while on the water.  I am 100% certain because he did a complete 360 on his surfboard.

Hang Eleven – used to describe a male surfer who rides naked

This can't be a real thing. Thoughts of Aiden surfing naked ran through my mind. I am going to have to ask him about this term to embarrass him.

Junkyard dog – a surfer with poor style

I should have guessed. The term sounds like an Insult.

Body Board – a small surfing board, also known as a booger, a boogie board

Body boards must be made for beginners or people like me. I will have to talk Aiden into teaching me!

I grab my phone to call Aiden and realized it was past midnight. Holly crap! I spent my entire evening reading articles about surfing. I honestly don't regret staying up late because I could begin to understand the sport. Surfing is important to Aiden which makes it important to me.

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