Chapter 8

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Yes, Aiden I owe you big time! Say the word and I'll do it.

I read this message a billion times this week waiting for the weekend to claim what is rightfully mine. Boy does Danielle have a surprise coming her way. I packed a bag to spend the weekend at my mom's. Mainly to see Danielle but I am not going to tell my mom that. I hopped on my bike and hit the road before the work traffic takes over the highway.

I made it into the neighborhood before 5 o'clock that evening and the sun is still out. Perfect time to go see what Danielle is doing. I go to the door and about to knock and I am surprised to see Danielle open the door eagerly waiting for me.

"Aiden you made it!" She says hugging me. Man I could get used to this.

" Hey Danielle, are you free tonight?" I ask, hoping that she says yes.

"Yeah what would you like to do?" Danielle asks

"How about a dinner date?" I suggest because I am starving but also because I wanna take Danielle out.

" I don't know Aiden about going on a date." Danielle says.

"Danielle that's why it is called a dinner date. There are no expectations, just dinner with two friends who have missed each other." Okay friends is a little pg 13 for me but I don't want to scare her off already before I ask her for my favor.

"Alright if you say so we can go eat." Score!

"A dinner date" I say and she blushes.

Danielle and I make it to this hometown restaurant that she informs me has been open for generations. Danielle tells me I have to try the hand battered onion rings because they are to die for. I have to sadly decline because for what I have planned later will not be good if I eat onions of any kind. I decided to stick with chicken strips and waffle fries and Danielle orders the same. I don't know if she was planning on ordering the same thing because she enjoys it or is afraid to try something different. I am going to guess it's the second option.

Dinner was going great. Danielle has opened up about yearbook being her favorite subject. This fall she will be a senior and is hoping to get an internship to travel for photography and journalism. Danielle also mentioned she previously had the dream of going to college to become a teacher but couldn't foresee being able to afford it. I just sit there in awe watching her as she talks about her future and her ambitions like there is nothing that will hold her back.

After we are both miserable after eating way to much we opt in to going for a walk around the trail at the park. The night was upon us and the moonlight was glowing. Danielle was just as beautiful at nighttime as she was during the day.

We walked a few laps and Danielle asked if we could sit somewhere and I suggested the hammock. I recall it being her favorite place.

"Okay but your big butt better not take up all the space on my hammock." She said and I knew she was only partially serious

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." I mocked her as I jumped in the hammock leaving her plenty of room to sit with me.

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