Chapter 26

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I feel like no matter how much time passes I still miss Danielle like crazy. I have absolutely nothing to look forward to until surf season begins. I am surprised my Dad has not rubbed it in my face yet that my relationship ended. Now that I think about it, he has been walking around awfully cocky lately. I am just waiting for the next series of torment to come.

" Aiden do you have any plans tonight?" Dad asked me knowing very well the answer.

"No dad I don't." I say keeping the conversation short.

"Well I didn't know. The fact that you used to leave for the weekend to see that girl."  He antagonizes me

"That's over dad and you know that. It has been for weeks." I reply

"That's a shame." He says as he smiles. It is like he feeds on the drama.

"Okay well I am going to go upstairs." I tell him. I am not going to give him the satisfaction.

"I am glad you dumped that chick. She was a real waste of space." My dad mumbles.

What the fuck did he just say? I could feel my blood boil as rage filled my body. Aiden don't give into him. He is not worth.

"Danielle is far from a waste of space Dad. You should know better  considering you are the biggest piece of shit I have ever met." By the time I finished my sentence my Dad had already swung and hit me. Right in the nose.

Damn that hurt.

"What the fuck" I yell

"You are a piece of shit! I should of thrown your ass out with your mother!" He screams at me.

All I saw was red. I was pissed and I was fed up with all the shit my father has done. I tackled my dad right to the floor. The look of terror filled his eyes.

"If you dare speak of Mom or Danielle in that way again, I will kick your ass." I tell him as he just sat up against the wall speechless.

I went upstairs, packed my bags and got the hell out of there. I didn't give a shit about giving up the opportunity for a surfing scholarship, living in that hell hole was not worth it. I was the dumbass that wouldn't sacrifice surfing to be with Danielle. I won't make that mistake again.

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