Chapter 20

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Danielle was running late but I didn't mind. I enjoyed the extra time I had to catch up and visit with my Mom. I very seldom get the chance to visit without being too distracted with thoughts of Danielle.

Mom was telling me about all the exciting things that were going on in her life. I couldn't be any more happier for her and talking to her lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. I was so relieved that my mom was happy because if it wasn't for her leaving my dad, I would have never met Danielle. I finally getting more comfortable with opening up to her about how happy I am after meeting Danielle.

"I can tell you are happy son. You have no idea how happy that makes me." My mom tells me

"Mom you have no idea." I replied with a huge grin across my face.

"I think there is one particular reason for that. Danielle she is a special girl." My mother says smiling ear to ear

"You are probably the only person that thinks that" I let out before thinking first. shit.

"Aiden, just because your father doesn't approve of Danielle for some stupid reason doesn't change the way you feel about her." She grabs my shoulder as support.

"I know how I feel mom, but what if that isn't enough. I mean look at you and dad." I am looking down now because I am not able to look my mom in eyes after bringing up their relationship again.

"Aiden your father made up his mind. You can't think just because your father and I didn't work out doesn't mean every relationship will turn bad. Son it takes two people to make a relationship work. I think you and Danielle are end game."

This must be my my mom trying to sound hip or something.

"End game? " I shake my head

"Yeah end game. Isn't that what you kids call it these days." My mom was starting to get embarrassed and I couldn't help but laugh.

" I understand mom."

I hear Danielle knocking on the front door. I look at my mom and she nods giving me permission to abandon her to see my girlfriend. I go to the door and invite Danielle in. I then lead Danielle upstairs to my room. I am dying to kiss her.

"Three weeks is a long time without seeing you." I say and she nods

"Well I am here now." Danielle replies and kisses me.

Damn I missed her. Being in a long distance relationship is never ideal. As long as we keep the regular phone call and we spend the weekends together this will work out just fine.

"How is your mom." Danielle asks.

Danielle always worries about my mom. When I left to go back home before school started she took time out of her day to visit her. No wonder my mom is all for our relationship, Danielle is the most caring person I know.

"She is happy babe like really happy." I tell her

"Good that makes two of us." Danielle smiles at me and I couldn't help but kiss her again.

"How was yearbook this evening?" I ask casually and I notice a shift in the mood as Danielle hesitant to answer.

What does she not want to tell me?

"Good." She replies

I need more details I thought to myself.

"Do you like the new teacher?" I asked waiting to see if the teacher was the reason behind the short answer.

"Yeah? He seems pretty cool." She replied

"He?" Damn I said that out loud.

"Yes Aiden. He is a guy." Danielle rolls her eyes obviously irritated by my remark.

"Danielle I am fine with him being a guy." I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Why were you scared to tell me about him." I ask

"I didn't know how you would react." Danielle explains and my heart dropped. Danielle thought I would be mad. Why?

"You thought I would overreact." I said hurt by the thought that she didn't want to tell me something because she was afraid of how I would handle it.

"Aiden come on you know I didn't mean it like that. I didn't want you to be jealous just because he was young and attractive." Danielle tried to explain


"What the hell do you mean young and attractive?!?!" I was pissed and couldn't help but raise my voice.

Okay maybe more jealous. Of course Danielle would be concerned about how I would react with her spending time after school with some" young and attractive" guy.

Hell no.

"Aiden please calm down. That's not what I meant." Danielle is crying now. Shit.

" Danielle I am sorry. Please don't cry." I wipe her tears and I couldn't help but reach for her. I held Danielle in my arms and I sure as hell didn't want to let go.

This is the first time seeing each other after telling her I loved her and we are already fighting. I have to fix this and quick.

"Babe, look at me. I trust you. I was caught off guard because you said he was attractive and that hurts like hell." I can tell Danielle is catching on to what I am trying to say.

"It's not like that Aiden." Danielle whispers.

"I know babe. You are right I overreact sometimes." She chuckles and I know it is because I actually admitted to her being right.

"Is there anything else you were worried about telling me?" I ask her wanting everything out in the open.

"Well, his name is Matt . He is almost 21 years old and has traveled the world as a photographer for major magazine companies." Danielle rambles on and I just nod my head casually as I listen to Danielle talk about this guy. Shit this is bad. This is real bad.

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