Chapter 25

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Spring break has come in full wing. Prom and my 18th birthday would be here before I know it. I haven't talked to Aiden since the night at the park. I wanted space and a fresh start and that is what he gave me.

Deep down I am upset that he didn't fight for us but I also know he was respecting what I asked. I have talked to his mom a couple times, just to see if she can tell me how he is doing. The only thing she told me was that Aiden is excited to begin surfing this spring. Charlotte always ends our conversation by giving me the advice that I should call him

I needed a distraction from my heartbreak so I put all of my attention to getting organized for the article. Matt has invited me to meet up a couple of times. I could use the help me so I figured why not?

"Are you ready for Prom." Matt asked me

"I am just about there, Nicole is going to help me find a dress to wear tomorrow. All I need now is a camera." I begin to tell Matt

"Why don't you use mine?" Matt asked as he handed me his camera.

"Matt I couldn't, this camera is way too expensive. If I break it, there is no way I could afford to replace it." I try to explain.

"Danielle it's no biggie. This is my spare camera anyways and it will be good for someone to use it." Matt insists.

I shrug my shoulders and accept his offer. Matt changes the subject "So Danielle, tell me more about what you want to do after high school."

"Well Nicole spilt the beans about my out of this world dream." I roll my eyes

"I don't think it is out of this world. Danielle you can do absolutely anything you want." Matt says as he shifts closer to me

"You only have one life, why not make the most of it? Matt brings up a good point and my mind begins to wonder. Matt continues, "I have seen so many beautiful sunsets & sunrises that this small town couldn't even compare."

Matt lays his hand on my shoulder and I try to look away. This conversation is inching closer to crossing the line of friendly conversation.

"Look at me Danielle." Matt turns my cheek to look at him."You say the word and I will make it happen. We can travel the world. You can become a publisher or photographer. Most importantly I can show you the love you deserve. All of it."

I try to be polite as I attempt to end our conversation. "I'm sorry Matt but I need to go. I appreciate that you are willing to lend me your camera and for landing this opportunity." I say as I pack my things to leave.

"Your welcome Danielle. I am here if you need anything." Matt tells me as he reaches for my hand and kisses it.

The next morning, Nicole picked me up to go dress shopping. Nicole insisted even though I was only there to take pictures , I had to write an article as well. Apparently I can't write an article about prom and not participate in the festivities.

I wanted to vent to Nicole about Matt but I couldn't get the nerve to ruin that fantasy for her.

"How about this one." Nicole asks me as she walks out of the dressing room. Nicole is wearing a red gown that shows way too much skin.

I know being sexy is exactly what she is aiming for. Nicole can literally wear anything and look great. "Nicole you look hot." I say

"Girl don't worry, we will find you a dress to make you hot." I squinted my eyes giving her the death stare. Nicole wouldn't dare.

"A dress that shows way less skin." Nicole laughs

"Now you are talking." I giggle.

We spend the rest of the afternoon trying to find a dress that suits both of us. I have always been indecisive and it has become second nature for me.

"What do you want to do for you Birthday this year?" Nicole asked and I honestly haven't thought about it. I know Nicole always enjoys going all out for birthdays.

Nicole throws a huge party or goes on a trip for her birthday but she always goes out of her way to make my day special as well.

"I don't know Nicole, maybe just a sleepover at my house." I suggest and Nicole shakes her head.

" Danielle this is a major birthday. We can't just do our normal sleepover." She tells me as she is thinking and there is no telling what she has in mind.

"I have an idea and you are going to love it." Nicole says in excitement for the plan she constructed.

"If you say so Nicole." I say, not biting into her bait. I guess I will have to learn to love what plans she made.

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