Chapter 27

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I made it home from shopping with Nicole. I had originally  picked out a simple dress to wear to prom, but Nicole insisted on picking my dress out and buying it for my birthday.

When I attempted to deny her offer she gave me the death stare and I knew she was about to kick my butt in the store if I declined her offer. Nicole and I came to a compromise with a long nude dress that had different color sequences on it. I actually have to admit that the dress is very pretty.

The downside was the front showed more cleavage than I prefer and the back of the dress was non existent. The entire idea of prom was out of my comfort zone, so why not just keep adding to my pile of things I needed to get over.

I looked out my window and out of habit I looked next door and was surprised when I saw Aiden's car. Aiden is at his mom's on a weekday? I thought to myself , something is wrong and I could feel it. I laid my dress down across my bed and made my way to find Aiden.

I knocked on the door waiting patiently to see him after all this time. I was nervous and yet excited to find Aiden. My heart ached when his mom answered the door, I could tell she had been crying.

"Danielle, sweetheart I am sorry but right now is not a good time." Charlotte tells me

My suspicion was right, something was wrong.

"I am sorry Charlotte, but I am not leaving until I see Aiden. I know something is wrong and I want to be here to help." I say trying to sound concerned and not demanding.

Charlotte nods her head and opens the door for me to come through.

I started to run up the stairs to go to Aiden's room and I ran right Into Aiden.

"Danielle"  Aiden whispers and  I could tell he was shocked to see me.

I hugged him right away. We both relaxed to the familiar feeling of holding each other. I don't know how I managed without his support.

"Aiden I am so sorry. I have missed you." I couldn't talk fast enough to get my words out before Aiden kissed me, and I kissed him right back.

"Aiden what happened" I asked as I held his face in my hands.

"My Dad" he says grinning

"That is not funny Aiden! Your dad can't just hit you like that." I replied

"You think I look bad. Danielle my dad looks worse." Aiden smirks as he bragged

"What in the world happened? What caused you two to fight?" I asked demanding answers

"You" he said pausing before finishing his thought. "My Dad made a remark about us and I said a snarky remark back. Then he insulted both you and my mom. I lost it Danielle I wasn't going to let him disrespect you all like that." Sadness spread across Aiden's face. Even after everything he still stood up for me.

"What are you going to do?" I questioned him

"I guess we really are neighbors now." Aiden smiles at me giving me all sorts of feelings.

"Danielle would you like to stay for dinner?"
Charlotte asks me

"I would love that. I do need to run home and let my parents know and put up my prom dress." I reply.

Good going blabbing to them about  your whole life story Danielle.

"Yes of course Danielle." Charlotte smiles at me not  even bothered by all the details I told her.

"Would you like me to walk with you?" Aiden asks

"I would like that." I say as I nod.

I can see Aiden was pleased with my answer.

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