Chapter 33

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My night with Aiden will always hold a special place in my heart. Aiden was a complete gentleman with breakfast in bed and the song that he dedicated to me. I will always cherish it.

As the final weeks of senior year were unraveling, I was able to gain the courage to stand up to Stephanie and somewhat apologize for our fall out. I am glad to have some sort of closure and now our relationship is on some kind of mutual ground.

I spent several late nights with Matt. We ordered pizza and hung out in the classroom attempting to finish the Prom assignment. I needed to beat the deadline in order to be published. I was determined to make that happen but it wasn't worth risking my relationship with Aiden.

"Matt, thank you for all your help." I smile. I appreciated all of his help editing and making sure everything is perfect.

"Your welcome Danielle it was my pleasure." Matt says  as he scoots his chair closer to mine.

"Uh well I better get going, Aiden will be here any minute." I say nervously.

"Why the rush?  I think we should celebrate." Matt looks at me and he has a sense of hunger in his eyes and not for food.

I gulp "maybe some other time." I urge to get out of my seat and Matt stops me.

"Come on Danielle, I know you feel this between us." Matt attempts to lean in to kiss me. I can smell his cologne as he drifted closer. I was unable to comprehend what was going on. All I could do was push the legs of his chair away from mine causing him to fall over.

"Why did you do that for?" Matt questions me and beginning to sound infuriated

"Matt I am sorry if you had an idea something was going on between us, but that's not the case. I am in love with Aiden." I try to explain

"Danielle he can't give you the life you want. You know that. The things you want like traveling, photography and journalism. I can give that to you."

I was in disbelief. After all this time, how was I blind to see that Matt did have an alternative motive with helping me. I had a lot of respect for Matt and was honored that he was able to help me with this opportunity, but this was wrong. I tried to speak when I was interrupted.

"What the hell! You're a teacher and you thought it would be a good idea to be hitting on a student? You have some major Issues!" Aiden is yelling and I knew he was furious.  Oh God, this isn't going to be good.

"Danielle can make up her own mind with what she wants."  Matt proclaims

The energy in the room shifts towards me. When did I end up in a situation to choose between Aiden and Matt. Aiden I have loved for so long. We have been through so much this past year. Aiden sacrificed his chance to surfing scholarship to be with me. The least I could do is give up a future of traveling. I always wanted to become a teacher and settle down. Honestly I could see an amazing future with Aiden.

Then there is Matt. If Matt was a character in a book he would be my pick. Matt is attractive like Aiden and yet very mature. Matt was right we could be a power couple. We could travel and do the things I have always dreamed about doing.

I don't think I have ever been so torn with a decision before. I am a micromanager and I attempt to have everything planned out. Choices are great to have but to pick between where you are comfortable or to jump into something different is a challenge I have struggled with most of my life.  There was one thing I knew for certain, I had already given my heart to Aiden and I intended to stay with him.

"Matt I am sorry but I had made this choice a long time ago. I told you I loved AIden and no amount of temptations or promises will tempt me to leave him." Matt shakes his head in defeat as he walked out of the classroom.

I could see the look of shock on Aiden's face. Aiden didn't even plea for me to stay with him and he must have thought I would be tempted to leave him.

"Danielle are you sure." Aiden asked as he slouches his shoulders.  I nod before I kiss him, giving Aiden the reassurance he needs.

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