Chapter 9

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"We should list our favorite things" I spill

"Oh yeah?" Aiden responds

"Yeah why not? I mean I want to get to know you better and I thought you might feel the same." I plea

"What the heck, why not." Aiden scoots closer to me giving me his full attention.

"Favorite Disney movie? Mine is The Little Mermaid." I say

"Easy one, The Lion King."

"Favorite action movie?" He asks

"The Princess Bride."

"Haha, you consider that an action movie?" Aiden says laughing at me.

"Of course I do. Westley rescuing Princess Buttercup from Prince Humperdinck. How could you not?" I know the movie is more of a romantic movie but I wasn't going to admit that to Aiden.

"Well mine is the Fast & The Furious series." Aiden replies all arrogant.

"What about favorite scary movie?" I asked

"Woah, wait a minute. You actually like scary movies?" Aiden asked astonished by my question.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I playfully smacked his arm for tormenting me.

"Oh you know. I didn't expect you to like scary movies, let alone have a favorite." Aiden explains

"I actually have a favorite series. My all time favorite would have to be Final Destination."

"Interesting well mine is also a series. I really enjoy all the conjuring movies."

"Oh good choice. Ok, how about favorite artist?"

"I will have to go with the band Nickelback. How about you.?"

"Justin Timberlake. I have been his biggest fan for as long as I can remember."

"What about your favorite food?" Aiden asks

"I would have to say seafood. You?"

"I like all food." Aiden grins at me

"Okay Mr likes all kinds of food. What is your favorite beverage?"

"I bet I can guess yours. Lemonade, am I right?" Aiden teases me

"Haha very funny Aiden, but yes you can't beat freshly squeezed lemonade." I reply

"Unless Cherry Coke is an option." Aiden states as he rolls his eyes at me.

"What about your favorite sport?" Aiden asks me

"Volleyball is mine. I know I can guess yours." I declare

"I bet you can't." Aiden teases back

"Surfing?" I guess

"Wrong!" Aiden laughs

"Seriously?" I was dumbfounded

"Baseball is actually my favorite sport." Aiden tells me

"If Baseball is your favorite sport, why do you not play?" I asked curiously

"I was a pitcher up until freshman year. I broke my arm and was unable to play for a year. That is when I began surfing. I was surprised when I discovered that I was actually good and had a chance for a scholarship."

There was an awkward silence as I tried to wrap my head around everything about Aiden.

"Alright I have to tell you, my all time favorite classic movie is The Rookie. What is yours?" Aiden asked, I am guessing to break the silence.

"Ever After." I tell him

We sat on that hammock listening to crickets chirp and looking up at the stars. Every once In awhile, I would look over and I would catch Aiden looking at me. Moments like these make it really hard to be just his friend. The hardest pill to swallow is the fact that the feelings are not mutual. I get lost in the moment and notice that Aiden was still watching me as if he was waiting for a response.

"Is everything okay Aiden?" I ask

"You remember when you told me you owe me big time?" Aiden asks, Okay where is he going with this

"Yeah sure, what did you have in mind?."

"I have a lot of things on my mind Danielle and all of them involve you." Aiden responds in a flirtatious tone.

My palms were getting sweaty as I sat there waiting for Aiden to explain himself more before I jump to conclusions.

"What do you mean?" I stuttered trying to keep it together.

"Danielle I am going to do something but I need you not to freak out. Okay?"

Oh gosh what is this lunatic going to do now I thought.

" I can't make any." were the only words I could get out before Aiden's lips met mine.

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