Chapter 6

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A couple of days have passed since I spent the day with Aiden. I was kinda upset that he didn't come and visit when he saw me outside working on the garden. What did I expect to become best friends or more than friends?  Who am I kidding? I only need one best friend and I can't wait for her to come back home.

Nicole decided to go to Greece for a summer abroad program and she is hoping to find true love and whatever her heart desires. I sure do miss her but I am happy that she gets to experience the world outside of Georgetown.

I finished my vegetable garden before noon so I decided to change clothes and pack a bag to spend the rest of the day at the park.

The park is surprisingly busy today. Kids are laughing and playing but I am pleased to see my hammock was unoccupied. I make my way to the hammock and before I could even sit into it, Aiden pops out of nowhere and takes my spot.

"Seriously Aiden! You knew I was going to sit there!" I blurt out.

"Well hello to you too, Danielle."Aiden greets me and I just stood there with my arms crossed, I am not impressed.

" Oh Danielle, did you want to sit here?" Aiden says with a smirk on his face as if he was trying not to laugh.

"What do you want Aiden." I rant on coming across more rude than I intended.

"I just wanted to hang out with my new neighbor friend." Aiden replies

Out of all the times he wanted to hang out this week he wants to when I finally make time for myself. I wanted to read and relax at my favorite spot. No way is that going to happen.

"Aiden for the love of god, get out of my Hammock!" I demand

His eyes widen in shock and to be honest I was surprised with how serious I sounded. Aiden paused for a moment collecting his thoughts.

"I'm sorry Danielle but I don't see your name written anywhere on this hammock. Last time I checked this was a public spot open to anyone." My mouth dropped open. He can't be serious.

"Okay Aiden have fun. I'm going for a swim." I respond as I begin to walk away.

" That sounds like a lovely idea Danielle, I could go for a swim." Aiden leaps out of the hammock takes of his shirt and exposes his torso.

Let me tell you,  Aiden has abs on top of his abs. I mean he is insanely fit. Knock it off Danielle before you start drooling.

"Danielle you can take a picture if you want so it can last longer."  Did he literally wink at me again?

"No thank you Aiden you might break my camera on my phone and I need that for yearbook next year."  Great, there you go Danielle telling him another major part of your life.

"Yearbook huh? A pretty girl like you should be in front of a camera not behind one." He grins while pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Nice try Aiden, don't act interested in my life. I am not falling for that again." I catch myself saying.

I really need to learn to shut my big mouth. I have already said too much.

"What do you mean again?" Aiden approaches me with a confused look on his face. We haven't been this close since at the beach, and we all know how that turned out.

"Aiden please stop, we both know all you like to do is play games and guess what. I am not interested."  I whisper and the words that came out quicker than quick sand. It was too late and I couldn't take it back.

I saw the look of heartbreak in his eyes. The hope that I  previously saw in his eyes before had disappeared. Aiden turned around and walked away from me , without a single goodbye.

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