Chapter 10

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The Fourth of July is right around the corner. My favorite holiday. There are endless bbq's and we get to set things on fire. Thank you America, land of the free. I will forever be grateful. I have rotated the past few weeks between staying at my mom's and dad's house. I guess that is a normal thing for a teenager with divorced parents.

I can't complain because the weeks at my mom's were the best because I looked forward to seeing Danielle. The kiss we shared that night under the stars were like fireworks. Danielle has been shy and embarrassed that she hasn't wanted to discuss it. I don't mind because I know she felt it too.

We have been hanging out as friends nonstop. Do I want more than a friendship? Damn straight I do. I want to call her my girl. I want to push her blonde hair out of her face and kiss her in front of the entire world. I have to remind myself that Danielle needs friendship from me first. She has to be able to trust me and we need to get to know each other better.  I am okay with waiting because she is worth it.

This weekend is the Fourth of July. Aiden invited me to come to his dad's for the weekend to celebrate. Apparently his dad is quite a cook when it comes to grilling. What can I say I like bbq and I can't seem to say no to Aiden. I packed my bags for the weekend  and had "the talk" with my dad about no drugs, sex or alcohol.

"Yes dad I understand. You can trust me." I roll my eyes.

" I know baby girl, but it's the guys. Aiden *cough* cough* that I don't trust." My dad hints to me.

I just knew my dad was going to be dramatic about my friendship with Aiden. I never brought a guy around my family, let alone stay the weekend with one.

I managed to talk my mom into letting me borrow her car that way Aiden didn't have to come get me. Lord knows how my parents would react when they find out he has a motorcycle and that I have been riding with him most of the summer. I vote to avoid that conversation as long as possible.

The time passes fairly quickly to get to Aiden's house. I am assuming that is because I had my own little concert in my car on the way up. I am not one to brag but this girl sure knows how to jam out in the car.

I waited outside on the decking for Danielle to arrive. I was about to text her because I was getting worried and I notice her pulling up in her mom's old station wagon. I could see Danielle singing and dancing in the car as she drove down the driveway and I couldn't help but smile. How does she not realize how amazing she is.

This weekend is going to be awesome. We are going to have a BBQ, light fireworks, swim and the best will be her sleeping under the same roof.  Okay Aiden get your head out of the gutter.

I walked up to this huge mansion. Who would have thought Aiden lived here. We were literally blocks away from his house when he took me to the beach. I couldn't help but wonder if he was embarrassed of me or something. Come on Danielle lighten up.

I was relieved to see Aiden waiting for me with welcoming arms.

"Aiden your house, it is amazing." I said while I took in the scene in front of me.

"Danielle wait until you see the pool outback." He winks at me. "I hope you brought your swimsuit." I can feel my cheeks turn red.

Aiden grabs my hand and I can't help but feel relieved when he does. He takes me to the backyard and he was right, it was phenomenal. There is a huge pool with a waterfall scene type structure.

"This is Beautiful." I say

"Wait until you see the surprise I have for you." Aiden replies and to be honest I couldn't wait.

We continued to walk across the pavement to an open spot in the yard and I was amazed to see there was a hammock. The hammock was set up right between two trees. Aiden literally thought of everything because there is even a glass of lemonade on the side table by the hammock. I think I might be in love. Wait a minute! Did I just say that out loud? I was embarrassed by my thoughts that all I could do was hug Aiden.

"Woah Danielle if I knew this would make you this happy I would have done this a long time ago." Aiden smiles and I can't seem to take my eyes off of him.

"Let's get inside and I will show you around before the other guests arrive." Aiden tells me

"Other guest? I didn't know you invited other people." I said, caught off guard.

"Don't worry Danielle, my Dad invited his colleagues family over. They come every year." Aiden says nonchalantly.

I brushed it off, of course his dad would throw a party having a house like this you would be stupid not to.

Aiden showed me around the house mostly telling me stories about how ornery he was as a child and the memories he had in his house. Makes sense why he didn't want to move in with his mom. This is his home.

An hour or so passed and we finally ran into a crowd of people. A gentleman that resembled Aiden walks towards us. That must be his dad I just know it. He has the same facial structure as Aiden. The gentleman has the same facial structure except he has blonde facial hair that is slightly showing some grey mixed in.

"Welcome, thank you for coming. You must be Danielle." The man shook my hand in a stern matter of fact way and I began to feel uneasy. Aiden notice the shift in my mood and grabbed my hand again giving me the reassurance I didn't realize I needed.

"Hi Mr James, nice to meet you." I said putting on a smile that must have come across awkward because Aiden's dad just chuckled.

"Aiden you were right l, she is something else. Now Aiden don't be rude the other guests have arrived and I am sure Stephanie has waited long enough. "

Stephanie who is Stephanie? How did this pit in my stomach just appear out of nowhere.

"Dad common she knows the house well enough. I don't have to treat her like a guest." Aiden responds aggravated

"Aiden James do not give me attitude. Go and tend to our other guest." His dad snaps back and looked furious. If I wasn't intimidated than, I sure am now.

Aiden was slouched over and I knew I should change the subject but I needed to know who Stephanie is.

"Aiden who is Stephanie."I asked looking at my feet.

"None of your business Danielle." Aiden snapped and I froze looking at anything and everything except Aiden., I was shocked to how Aiden reacted towards me.

Aiden looked over at me noticing that he had hurt my feelings. "Shit Danielle I didn't mean to go off on you. I just can't stand my Dad sometimes. This whole situation with Stephanie is fucked up."

Situation? I thought to myself.  "Aiden what do you mean situation?." I questioned him and I was terrified to find out

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