Chapter 2

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Three days have passed and each day Aiden left a letter in the mailbox for me to respond to. I had yet to write anything back, and you would think he would have given up by now but he didn't. What harm could it do to respond to him anyway?

Monday came around and my parents had left for work already and I woke up to a huge list of chores to do. GREAT. I turned my radio on and kicked it back to some 2000s hits and went to town cleaning. I had spent most of my morning cleaning and the last thing on my list was taking out the trash.

As I began to walk down my driveway, I notice Aiden walking towards me. He was wearing a cut off shirt and cargo shorts and of course on a skateboard. Okay Danielle, this guy isn't going to give up. I can at least talk to him to see what he wants.

"Aiden what are you doing here? Has anyone ever told you that is it creepy to show up at someone's house four days in a row?" I asked him with a sarcastic tone.

There was an awkward silence between us as Aiden gathered his thoughts. "Well Danielle did your parents ever tell you it is rude to ignore a person who is just trying to be friendly."

Aiden -1 Danielle -0

I couldn't come up with a snarky remark fast enough before Aiden asked,"What do you have planned today Danielle?"

I stood there not sure how to respond. No wonder Aiden thought writing to each other would be more beneficial. I was practically standing there like a dumbfounded person. Aiden waved his hand abruptly in front of my face and caught my attention

"Well Danielle I will take that as you do not have anything planned, so I think we should hang out." Aiden insists

"Okay Aiden so what do you have in mind?" I asked with attitude but was more intrigued to find out.

"Be ready in an hour and you will find out. Oh yea and make sure you wear a swimsuit." Aiden grinned as he skated off before I could ask any more questions.

Aiden surely isn't planning on taking me back to the park to swim in the creek. I could literally walk there  and meet him. The creek is the only place to swim in this small town. You would have to drive at least an hour to get to the beach. There is no way I would go that far with Aiden, he is a complete stranger. Right?

I walked back to the house left a note on the fridge that said I will be back later for mom and dad. I went upstairs to change into my swimsuit. I snatched up my sunscreen even though I know that I will still get sunburnt.  It was inevitable for how pale skinned I am. I grabbed my phone and threw up my hair as I ran downstairs. I looked at the time as I walked outside and it was 1 o'clock . Aiden was right on time, leaning up against a motorcycle.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Aiden you do not expect me to ride that with you do you?" Aiden grins and I cross my arms ready to stand my ground.

"No way! I can just walk to the park and meet you there," I try to reason with him.

Aiden shakes his head "Who said anything about going to the park?"

Confused, I stutter "The park is the only place to swim in this small town."

Aiden laughs, and I begin to catch on. He was tormenting me for being Naive. Aiden has no intentions of going to the park. Danielle do not get on the bike with him I thought to myself.

Then Aiden did something not even I could have predicted.

Reaching for my hand, Aiden looks me In the eye "Do you trust me?"

In that moment I have no idea what got into me. All  the common sense I once had went out the window, I nodded my head. The next thing I knew I had a helmet on and was on a motorcycle with Aiden not having a clue to where we are going.

After about an hour on the road we made it to Myrtle Beach. I recall the first time I went to the beach.  I was  about 10 and vaguely remember it. I remember the waves hitting my feet, the sand in between my toes and not a care in the world. What I would do to go back to where life was simple. All I want to do now is to read a couple of books and enjoy a huge glass of lemonade.

"What's on your mind Danielle?" Aiden looks at me intrigued.

"Lemonade." I blurt out without thinking.

Aiden laughs "You must really like lemonade. I will have to remember that."

I couldn't help but blush. "Why did you bring me here?" I ask

"You sure have a lot of questions Danielle." He sighs, appearing to be gathering his thoughts. "I live here." Aiden says and that just lead to a bunch more questions.

"If you live here than what are you doing in Georgetown." I continue to question him.

Aiden nervously responds, "No one knows yet,  but my mom and dad are getting a divorce. My mom had moved to the same neighborhood that you live in."

"I am so sorry Aiden you didn't have to tell me. I need to learn to not be so nosy." I try to apologize. Way to go Danielle.

"I guess you can say we could be neighbors" Aiden says with the same smile that I know no one could resist.

" I am glad you came with me Danielle. I want you to get to know me that way you will trust me to get to know you."



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