Episode 17

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Yasmin glared at the Queen quietly as she stood next to Magnus. She hated how many times she had ended up in this hellish place over the past week or two. Ajax had remained at the apartment, Magnus hadn't wanted him being in danger again, the two had argued for a bit before Ajax had begrudgingly agreed. Magnus had then turned to Yasmin to try to convince her to stay. However, upon seeing the look Yasmin was giving him, he knew her well enough to know that there was no convincing her otherwise.

Magnus and Luke bowed to the Queen; Yasmin only inclined her head. "So the Clave lied and Valentine has the sword" the Queen said angrily, she was in her little girl form again. Yasmin however couldn't help but agree with the Queen's anger. Valentine possessing the sword not only meant he could destroy the entire Downworld, but he could also control Yasmin and Ajax.

"Is anyone surprised" the Queen's gaze fell coolly on Yasmin who didn't flinch, only stared back at those cold blue eyes, that held thousands of years of knowledge in them.

"My Lady we agree its time to take charge of our destiny. We've come to accept your offer to untie the downworld and to hunt Valentine" Magnus said confidently.

"Good. But we do it our way" the Queen stated, "No more playing by the Clave's rules"

"With all due respect, your Highness" Luke stepped forward, "We didn't come here to start a war with the Shadowhunter's"

"The Shadowhunter's want us dead, their treatment of Yasmin and Ajax are proof enough. Both are part Shadowhunter and yet they are still wanted dead. Let alone the rest of us" The Queen voice was sharp, "You think its an accident they lost Valentine?"

"I don't trust the Clave, none of us here do. But I trust Clary, she told me that she and Jace recovered the mortal mirror, to protect the downworld from Valentine."

"You're love for the Shadowhunter's weakens you" the Queen cut Luke off, her gaze shifted to Yasmin as if the Queen wanted something from her, "Its why your pack has lost so many wolves, and almost a hybrid wolf". Luke flinched at her words, not looking at Yasmin, Magnus and Yasmin exchanged a look behind Luke's back.

"My packs losses are because of Valentine"

"After the lies your friend told you, surely you two are on my side?" The Queen directed her words now towards Magnus and Yasmin. Magnus paused, Luke called Magnus' name telling him that they came to stop Valentine and not to make new enemies.

"Don't let your crush get in the way of protecting your people Yasmin" the Queen called, "Think of the threat that the Shadowhunter's pose to your Ajax, even now"

"I beg your patience, your grace. But breaking out allegiance to the shadow hunters is a step that requires consideration." Magnus desperately tried to bargain for time, his eyes landing on Yasmin.

"Decide quickly" the Queen handed Magnus a flower, "Once all the petal on this flower turn black. Your time is up. And remember those who don't come to my side. Are on the losing side"

"My lady" Magnus bowed as they exited

"My plans for you Yasmin Herondale still stand, my offer is open to each of you individually" The Queen said as they turned to leave.


A knock on the door sounded, Yasmin stood up to answer it. Alec was framed in the doorway, his breathing heavy and his expression panicked. "I know I have no right to ask for favours but Magnus, Yasmin. I need you" Magnus shook his head trying to close the door.

"Its Max" Yasmin's head jerked up to look at Alec, his panic now put into context.

Yasmin looked at Magnus, smoothing in her heart gave way, she couldn't do this, "Stay" she told him. Alec made a sound of protest, but Yasmin silenced him with a glare. "I know herbs that have tremendous healing properties"

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