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It was finally Saturday additions were at 11am so you had to get ready fast.
You got dressed and put you shoes on and texted Kai.

Hey I'm ready

Okay almost there.

Y/n 💕✨


Kai pick you up and took you to the place where the auditions would be held you where really nervous.

"So Y/n are you ready" Kai said looking at you

"Yeah I'm excited but really nervous"you said looking back at him.

"I bet but you will do great I promise"

"Thanks" you said and looked back out the window.

You finally got there you hugged Kai bye and went inside.

"Hey I'm here for additions" you said handing a young girl your papers

"Oh great it will be door 3" she said pointing to the door.

"Thank you" you said and walked inside the door

"Hi yes have a sit right there what's you name" said a tall man he worked here.

"Oh ok and it's Y/n Kim" you said having a sit

"Okay great it's going to be about one hour"

"Okay that's fine" you said and got on your phone

The boy in the back His POV

I was playing on my phone waiting for my turn when I saw a girl come in she was very petty and seemed nice. When she said he name "I'm Y/n Kim" I swear I have herd that name before but where I kept thinking about it and then they called my name. I could not stop thinking about her.

End of POV


I was just playing on my phone when someone called someone name I was not really paying attention but when I herd his name my hart stop for a good 5 seconds
"Next Choi soobin"
You looked up really quick and saw him go in the room you could not believe it was him it was Sobbin.

End of POV.

You just sat there waiting for your turn.
They finally called you

"Y/n Kim"

You walked in the room and started to dance and sing like there was not tomorrow. You let your body move to the music you where done you said thank you and they took a picture and then you left.

You looked around for him but you did not find sobbin so you left you still where so confused why he was there you just ran as fast as you could but then you fell. And almost got hit by a car.

"Omg are you okay" someone said and helped you get up.

"Yeah I'm okay thank you" you said and looked into the persons eyes your heart stop again it was him it was sobbin he looked back at you it felt like y'all were making eye contact for two minutes but it was really 10 seconds.

"Are you Okay" he asked again

"Uh ye-eh yeah thanks" and you ran off

You started to think and overthink

"Does he not remember me or does he and he is just playing it off oh my gosh why him ahhhh" you said to yourself.
You ran all the way home and led in bed and kept thinking about it.

"Ahhh whyyy god why does he know who I am he Hass to know who I am doesn't he I sure he does do I want him to come back that's the question I do I miss him but I hate him ahh" you said and threw yourself on your bed and scream in your pillow.

You went to sleep and tried to just forget about it

You woke up and got ready for work you where going to tell Kai what happened at work.
You got ready and walked to work you got inside and put your apron on.

Someone walked in

"Hi welcome to latte dia café" you said and looked at the customer
You dropped a whole plate of food on the ground

It was him Soobin right in front of you.

Hope you liked it make sure to keep reading and vote.

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