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(Not edited)

You woke up with your eyes in pain probably because all the crying. You turned around to soobin gone. You got up to go make breakfast.
You looked in the fridge to see fruit and milk.
"I didn't want to eat anyway" you said and shut the fridge.

You just sat in the house all day doing nothing but crying and sleeping you didn't know what to do anymore you where in too much pain.
That's when you got a text from Soobin.

Sobbin 🥺❤️

You should come see me in my office today

  You laughed to yourself

                                                                          Y/n 💕✨
                                   Okay I will been there at 12


Okay see you soon love you💕

You got up to get dressed you loved him that's what you kept telling yourself to get though this you love him. You put on black jeans and a blue shirt and went to go get coffee.

" "

You went to the cafe that you and kai worked at
You saw kai you wanted to tell him but you didn't know how.

"Hey kai can I get a coffee with cream thanks" you said and got your money out.

"Okay coming right up" he said and went to make your drink.

It was weird y'all where best friends but you knew he was still mad. He came back with it and dropped it on your lap.

"Owwww it's hot" you said and got up wiping your pants with a napkin.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said sarcastically he did it on purpose to get back at me for whatever reason.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" you said getting mad at him.

"No what's wrong with you Y/n your dumb for being with him Y/n his not good for you don't you see that and now you don't even talk to me Y/n it's always soobin this Soobin that sob-b". He got cut off by you

"HE'S CHEATING ON ME OKAY YOU WHERE RIGHT" you said and cried. You fell down and just cried not showing your face.

"He Is?" He said and sat by you.

"Yes I caught him yesterday in his office with some girl and I didn't not tell him that I know because I love him to much I don't want him to go" you said and looked at him.

"Y/n don't do that to yourself I know you love him but please your going to get hurt" he said and hugged you

"Yeah I know but I just can't and he wants to go see him today at his office"

"Well go if you want to and sorry about that pants I will buy you more" he said and left.

"Seems like a can't do anything right anymore"you said to yourself getting up and leaving.

" "

You went to Soobin's office to go see him when you walked pass the girl you saw him kissing last night.
You pushed your so over against hers and kept walking.

You walked in his office to see him on the phone.

"Hey Soobin" you said and smiled.
He just waved at you still talking on the phone.

You sat down on a chair in the room and texted kai.

Y/n 💕

Just got here he's on the phone talking to someone.

Kai ✨💙

Good luck text me if you need anything.

Y/n 💕

I will thanks.

When you put your phone down Soobin got off the phone. You looked at him and was about to say something.

"Sorry it was my dad he wants us to go over and have dinner with him tonight" he said to you

"oh okay that's fine sounds like fun" you said and smiled.

He sat beside you and kissed you when that girl walked in the room.

" oh Y/n this is Joy the girl I was talking about" he said and looked at her then back at me.

" Hi I'm Soobin's Girlfriend" you said all most crying you just wanted to beat that smile off her face.

" hi um Soobin I just wanted to let you know our meeting is starting now" she said and looked me up and down.

"Oh right  be ready at 8 Y/n see you at home" he said and you left.

You walked out of the room and walked down the hall but you didn't see them come out of his office.
You walked back to the office and looked in the window.

You saw them kissing they stoped and he looked at the window but you had already ran off.

You ran and ran so far so you could you hated him you wanted to love him and you did but you hated him so much.

You ran to the park and fell down to the ground and cried you scream as loud as you could.

People where around you but you felt alone you looked at your phone it was 6 you had two hours till you had to see him again.

You texted kai.


I can't do this anymore kai I want to see you I'm sorry I'm so sorry for everything


                                       Y/n what's wrong and it's okay I don't even know why I was mad.


I hate him so much but I can't let go because I still love him.


                                         Y/n it's going to be okay I promise you need to find out how to let him go he's just going to hurt you I'm going to kill him for doing this I will come get you where are you.?


I'm at the park.

" "

Kai came and got you and Took  you home.

" I don't want to see him tonight but I have to I guess" you said crying

"No you don't have to see him just say your sick or something" he said trying to make something up.

"Kai he lives here" you said and laughed

"Right well just leave him it's for your own good I promise" he said and grabbed your hand.

"I know you keep saying that but I love him kai it's hard to just let go" you said and looked in his eyes with tears.

"I'm so sorry Y/n I love you I just want you to be happy that's all"

"I know thank you but I need to get ready for dinner" You said and got up.

"Okay I will get going text me okay love you goodbye" he said and left.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw that you where.


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