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It's been 3 hours since you got to the hospital. He still has not woken up yet. You slept most of the time.  Soobin called you but you did not answer you just wanted Kai to be okay.
Kai started to wake up you sat up fast and look at him.
"Hey it's me Y/n" you said and touch his arm.

"Y/n you came" he said looking at you up and down.

"Yeah why wouldn't I Your my best friend Kai" you said and started to cry.

"Hey why are you crying" he said and wiped your tears away

"I was so scared I just want you too be okay I can't lose you" you said and hugged him form the Side.

"I love you y/n and I'm not going anywhere"

You too talked and you stayed with him all night till 2am you did not want to go but he made you.

"Goodbye Kai I will be back tomorrow okay" you said and left.

"Bye" he said back to you

You walked home you could not stop crying you just wanted him to be okay you know he is hurting and he is just being strong but you know him to well.
You got home and opened the door to see Soobin looking and you worried.
You walked up to him and hugged him and cried in his chest.

"Y/n What's wrong" he said hugging you back

"Kai got in a accident I have been at the hospital all day I just left in the middle of my shift" you said crying.

"I'm sorry and it's going to be okay" he picked your head up and kissed you.

"Can we go to bed" you said looking in his eyes

"Yes and your so cute" he said and picked you up and took you too your room and laid beside you.

"Goodnight Soobin love you" you said said and closed your eyes.

"Goodnight love you more"

Those where the last words you herd before you fell asleep.

You woke up around 4am you could not go back to sleep you saw Soobin still sleeping so you tried to be quiet. You kept rolling around you could not go back to sleep you where getting frustrated.

Then Soobin grabbed your arm and hugged you and put you on his chest.

"Soobin sorry I did I did not mean to wake you u"

You where cut off by him

"Y/n it's fine I'm here just go back to sleep" he said and kissed your head.

You fell back to sleep in his arms

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You fell back to sleep in his arms.

It was already 12 when you woke up "fuck I'm late for work" you said and ran out of the house

"Y/n where are you going" soobin said running after you.

"I'm late for work love you bye text you later" you said and ran.

You walk inside and put your apron on and your hair in a bun. Your boss come around the Corner.

"I'm sorry I'm late"

"Y/n we need to talk" she said and went to her office.
You walked inside and sit down

"Yes you needed me" you said nervously.

"You just left yesterday and now your late you missed a whole week and I'm sorry but we have to let you go I already hired somebody new I need you to give me your apron and go" she said you could not help but cry.

"Please I'm sorry Kai is in the hospital that's why I left yesterday and I was sick that's why I missed that week" you and crying

"I'm sorry Y/n but I need you to go" she said you got up and give her the apron you left the store and texted Soobin.

Y/n 💕✨
Where is your woke at are you there

Yeah I'm here and it's at Kim Company Co office on the 6th floor

Okay I'm on my way

You walked to Soobin's work you have never been there before and all you want was to be with him.
It took you about 30 minutes to get there you walked up to the 6th floor to see Soobin in a Suit looking really fancy and nice.

"Y/n" he said and walked up to you and hugged you
"lest go to my office" he said and took your hand.

"I got fried" you told him crying

"Hey it's okay don't cry" he said

"I don't know what to do Soobin everything's falling apart"

"Hey y/n I'm here for you and you still know you can come live with me" he said and walked over to you.

"I know but I'm scared to do that to you I don't want you too have to take care of me"

"Y/n I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to take care of you now you not making an money and I have lots of it so come live with me please what do you say" he said and picked up your hands and looked you in the eyes.

"I know you rich soobin I love you and yes I will come live with you" you said and kissed him.

"Here my dads here lest go see him"
"Dad this is my girlfrien Y/n" he said you shake his dad's hand .

"It's nice to meet you finally"

"Nice to meet you too sir" you said and went back to soobin.

"Well I have lots off work I have to do I will see you around" he said and left

"Soobin can you take me home" you said with puppy eyes.

"Yes Joy get my keys" he said to some girl I'm guessing it's his assistant.

He drove you home well you thought he was taking you home but he took you to his house.

"Why are we here" you asked looking at his house.

"You told me to take you home and this is you new home" he said and opened the door for you.
You walked inside and it was much nicer than your apartment.

"Thank you but I still need to get my stuff form my apartment" you said looking at him

"I know we will do that tomorrow Okay now I have to go back to work our bedroom is upstairs go make yourself a home I love you see you later" he said and left

You cloud not believe this he was like your husband you walked around the house then went to sleep you where exhausted.

Hope you liked this chapter sorry it took me so long to update I have been busy with school and homework.
Love y'all 💙💛💜🖤

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