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You woke up and Soobin was gone he left a note saying.

Hey y/n I had to go to work and my dad said you can woke here too as a s I will be home late tonight I'm sorry I have lots of meetings. But I left you a car and a credit card so have fun with yourself today.
Love you see you tonight.

-Love Soobin

Okay you thought you looked at the desk in the room and saw car keys and the credit card he left you.
You went to take a shower before going out.

You got dressed and went to the garage to see 6 cars.

"Ummmm witch one is it" you looked at the keys and pushed the button to make the car alam go off.

"Found it" you said and walked to the black G wagon
You got inside and looked at how nice the car was.
"This is way to nice if I break anything Soobin will kill me" you said to yourself and started the car and left the house.

You went to go dance because you have not been in a while. No one was here witch means you had the hole plot yourself. You turned on music and let your body do it's thing. You hit every beat and it made you think about your audition and wondering if you would actually would get in or not yeah it's only been like 4 months but still.

Anyway you danced and danced with not stoping once until you rolled your ankle and fell making you cry. You where pretty sure you broke it.

"Are you okay mis" someone said making you look up.

"Um I don't know I fell and I think I broke my ankle" you said showing him it. "Here let me help you up" the man said picking you up and putting you on a chair.
"Thank you" you said to the nice man.
"No problem I'm yunjoun" the man said and put his hand out for you to snake. "I'm Y/n thank you again"
"Here I can take you to the doctor if you need"
"Can you please" you asked knowing you would not be able to dive.

He picked you up and took you outside
"See I don't have a car so do you have one"
"Yes I do it's that one the G wagon" you said and point to it. He put you inside and started to dive off.

"So your rich" he asked

"Ha I wish it's my boyfriends car he's the rich one" you said looking out the window.

"Oh is he like a sugar daddy or something" he asked hoping you would not get mad.

"Oh no sorry if that's the idea you got we have been best friends forever and well it's a long story" you said looking at your foot.

"I got time and people say I'm a good listener" he said and looked at you making eye contact.

You told him everything to where y'all met to him leaving to your mom passing away to your meeting kai to the fights y'all had to the dates you told him everything. Y'all got to the ER like 10 minutes ago but y'all just stayed and talked.

"Wow I'm sorry about that and that's a crazy story girl" he said you felt really close to him even tho you just met him you felt like y'all would be good friends.

"Yeah well should we go in" you said looking at the ER.
He got out of the car and picked you up and took you inside. The dr looked at your foot.

"The good news you did not break it the bad news you did S" the dr said and gauge you some c

"Thank you" you said and left the ER
"Well do you need me to take you home" he asked
"That would be amazing I just don't think I can dive with my foot like this"
You give him the address and he took you home

"Wow your boyfriend really is rich" he said looking at the house. "Yeah it's crazy" you said and went inside.
"Since you don't have a car I can get you a Uber if you want"
"No no that's fine I actually live only like 3 blocks away I can just walk" he said and was getting ready to leave. "Thank you again and hey give me your number I would love to be friends with you" you said and give him your phone.
He put his number in and left.

You sat on the couch and watched tv it was already 7 you where hoping Soobin would be here soon.


You woke up to someone opening the door. You looked at the time and it was already 1am you fell asleep watching tv. You looked at the door to see Soobin coming in tired and kind of smelling like acoll and some kind of perfume.
But you really didn't think of anything about it.

"Soobin your home" you said rubbing your eyes

"Hey beautiful what happened to your foot" as he saw bandages and crutches

"If I rolled my ankle when I was dancing" you said

"Aw you need to be more careful" he said and kissed you "why did you get here so late it's already 1am" you asked
"Oh me and some of my friends from work went out for drinks. And before you say anything yes I know I smell like girls and it's because they had there girlfriends there and we where all hanging out" he said making you nod in response
"Well I'm glad you had fun and next time ill come if you want" you said and kissed him

"Come on we are both tired let's go to sleep" he said and picked you up and took you to bed.

"I love you Soobin you know that right" you said not looking not him you back was Facing him.

"Yes y/n I know and I love you too" he said you too went off to sleep in each other's arms.
And you remember that's it's y'all almost 5 months anniversary in a week. You tuned over to see Soobin sleeping. You thought was he telling the truth about going out with friends.
But then you knew you where being silly and said to yourself "Soobin wound never do that we love each other" you said and went to sleep.

You told yourself not to (overthink) anything.

(Sometimes overthinking can be a good thing)

Hoped you liked it and what do you think about it so far.
Love y'all have a good day and make some smile.

I still want you {Soobin}Where stories live. Discover now