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You woke up to Mickey kissing you all over your face.
You forgot you had a dog now. "Good morning" you said smiling. "I don't have dog food so I will have to go get some" you got out of bed and looked at your phone you had a lot of text Messages form Soobin.

Hey can we talk?


Y/n please I'm sorry

You just ignored him.. you got ready and went to the pet store.

"Witch one to get ummm lest's get all of them" you said looking at all the dog outfits. You did not just buy food you got toys outfits treats a collar and leash. You got everything

"Look what I got" you said to Mickey
"I got you everything" you said smiling getting everything out of the bags. "Do you like it" you said talking to your dog.

"Well I have to go to work love you bye" you said and left it was already 3 you work till closing today. You where happy that you have a dog but you did not know what to do about soobin.
You just left it alone at this point you just kept getting hurt.

"Hey kai"

"Hey Y/n" Kai said back to you.

"I got a dog"

"Really when did that happen" he said shocked.

"Last night Soobin got it for me it's a long story" you said putting on your apron.

"Well that's nice I guess" he did and went back to work.
"Hey Y/n when do you figure out if you made it for your audition thing"

"It's going to be while sometimes it takes about a year because they have to audition millions of people" you said and went back to work.

It was 7 and you where so tired you got a call form Soobin.


"Hey can we meet up please and talk"

"Why would I do that"

"Look we actually need to talk like real adults and figure this out okay it's been 2 months"

You took a big breath you realized he was right

"Fine I get off work at 11"

"Thank you I will pick you up okay see you soon" he said and hung up the phone.

You Took a long big breath you realize you where being childish and you needed to figure things out with him. You fished work early.
It was 10:30  you just sat outside waiting for him to come get you. It was already 11:20 you just started to walk home you where mad at him for not coming.
But then you heard your name.

"Y/n wait" Soobin was running to you

"There you are" you said mad

"Sorry i was stuck in traffic" he said catching his breath.

" it's fine so where are you going"

" it's a surprise"

"more surprises" you said look at him

"Yes and lest go" he said excited and happy making you smile. You love his smile it always makes you feel warm inside. After a few minutes y'all got at the park.

"Okay now close your eyes" he said putting his hands  over your eyes.

"Okay" you said giggling  closing your eyes.

"I better not run into anything" you said walking.

"I'm not going to let you I promise" he said leading you somewhere.

"Okay open your eyes" he said and took his hands off your eyes. When your opened your eyes you saw a little blanket on the ground with rose petals around it and candles and food.

"Oh my Soobin" you said and looked at him you started to cry you had not had someone ever do this to you before.

"do you like it" he said nervously.

"I love it thank you" you said and hugged him

[Listen to the song {this not not about Angels}

"okay listen  I know I found you again and we have been really good friends forever and I miss you so much I started to catch feelings for you when  I found you again. And I liked you since we where friends in middle school too I was just scared you did not like me back. I love you Y/n and I want you we are best friends and I know it might seem crazy but it's been almost 3 months since we have been friends again and I love you so much and I want you and I need you in my life. Y/n please will you be mine and it's not like we don't know each other we have known each other for 8 years now"he said and looked at you with all of his love.

"Soobin I i okay listen to me now. I love you too and I have loved you forever I never will stop loving you but you hurt me so much these are the reason I hate you soobin. I hate that you left without a goodbye I hate that you left me to cry. I hate that you left me to go Though hell while you went somewhere new.
I hate that you left me when my dad left too.
I hate you because I had no one to cry with when my mom died. I hate you because I had no One for me.
I hate that you where my best friend and you left me Soobin. But I still love you I still care and I love you so much. And I have feelings for you I have since you came back to me.  But I'm so scared to get hurt again and you leave one day. But I love you too much and that's a risk I will take for you Soobin because I love you I LOVE yo you not anymore else." You said crying on the last sentence.

"I love you Y/n" he said looking at you crying
"I'm so sorry for everything I'm so so sorry and I know I can ever make it up to you but please know I love you and I'm here for you now I promise I won't leave." He said hugging you crying.

" i love you too and with that begin said yes I will be yours" you said smiling.

"I love you too and thank you Y/n" he said looking in your eyes.

You too ate and looked at the stars and laughed and talked for hours you love him and you know that. You love your best friend and you hope that things will last forever but with forever there is always a end.

He walked you home

"Bye soobin Thanks for everything again" you said and hugged him one last time"

"Your welcome and I will see you tomorrow goodnight love you" he said and left.

You went in your apartment and and went straight to sleep. You can't believe that happened tonight you love him but you know you can't keep your hopes to high for now.

Hope you liked the chapter it's 11:00 pm and I have school but thanks for reading love y'all.!

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