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Soobin called you like 17 times but you just didn't care. You loved him so much and what he did felt worse then him leaving you. You just cried all day but you had to go to work today so you had to pull yourself together.

"Hey Kai"you said and waved and smiled at him.

"Hey y/n I missed you" he said hugging you.

"I missed you too sorry I have been sick" you said

"It's okay I'm just glad your better" he said and went to take a customers order.

You worked all day today 8 hours and that's pretty long. Then when everything was fine soobin came in.

"How can I help you" you said being mean

"Can I get a hot chocolate please"

"4.50" you said making his dirk

"It's usually 3.50" he said confused

"Well now it's 4.50 so pay" you said sticking your hand out.
He give you the money and you handed  him his hot chocolate.

"Can I talk to you please y/n because your obviously mad at me" he said taking your hand.

"What do you want soobin I have work to go to" you said annoyed

"Why are you mad at me and why did you just leave last night"

"Why not Leave" you said back at him

"Why are you so upset Y/n" he said and tried to grab your hand.

"DON'T Touch me"you said and started to cry

"Why are you crying what's wrong" he said concerned about you.

"Oh I don't know soobin why don't you go ask the girl you where kissing last night" you said crying

"You saw that" he said looking down at the ground.

"Yeah I did and it sucks because i love you and you don't love me back I want you soobin I want you to kiss me and tell me I'm pretty and I'm Beautiful but no you hate me you don't love me back and it hurts so much it hurts I love you but I hate you" You wanted to say that so bad but of course you didn't you just said it in your head.

"Yeah and it really sucks" was all you said back to him.

"I'm so sorry I will make it up to you I promise and it was just a dare that's why I did it" he said and looked you in the sad eyes.

"Whatever I have to go to work" you said and went inside.
You wiped away your tears and started going back to work. It was 9:30 you had work till 11 today.
You hated the way Soobin Made you feel and it been 2 months of the same feeling. You just daydream the rest of the night you did not know what to do at this point. Should you tell him how you feel and just ran away form this problem.

You closed the store and went home you took a shower and watched movies all night till like 3am.
You ordered pizza and ice cream and you where pretty happy. You feel asleep crying at a sad movie.
It was the Lion king you always cry on that movie.

You woke up to Kai calling you.


"Hey you want to go hang out at the park today"

"Uh yeah sure what time"

"3 sound good"

"Yeah see you then"


"You got up and got dressed

"You got up and got dressed

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