Chapter 6 ~Selfless love

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11 months later~

It was Mid November, and the change of season was begining to be quite evident from the sudden warmth in the air.

Sakura tiredly shrugged off her work coat, tossing it carelessly on a chair as she stepped out of her shared office at the new Children's Mental Health Clinic.

Together with her best friend Ino, the two put all their best efforts into the building of this clinic which sought to help the children affected by the events of the war and other mental traumas.

It took alot of time, but the pair were proud and pushed harder to expand while still making sure that everyone was seen to and taken care of.

"Going home?" Asked the blonde beauty and co founder of the hospital, as she checked the time on the large clock by reception.

6:43 pm.

Indeed it was late, but Sakura gave her a small smile despite the clear exhaustion on her face, shaking her head no. "I'm going to go check up on things with Shizune first, to see if they need any help."

Ino's expression dropped. Bouncing between two hospitals was sure to leave anyone fatigued, especially someone like Sakura who always went the extra mile to help others.

"You look like you're about to drop any moment now. Sleep is what you need!" She scolded, just like how her mother would.

"I just need to see ho-" "Yes yes, I know. I'm also concerned about the hospital, but they can handle it for a while. Besides, our friend is getting married in two days! I won't have you looking like a zombie there!" Ino interuppted Sakura, with uncontrolled excitement towards the end.

Ten months didn't seem like a long time for a couple to get engaged AND plan a wedding, more so when they started dating along the same time. But the Hyùga and Uzumaki eventually found their way to each other.

It had been like a continous push and pull throughout the years.

Hinata always haboured a crush on Naruto. Yet countless times she had to helplessly watch him chase after Sakura, as if she were his only. While him seeing the same girl of his dreams, recklessly love his rival and best friend, only to have her be hurt by the hand her heart belonged to.

Those two loved selflessly, and maybe that's what brought them closer together. They would both rather see the ones they loved be happy, even if it meant it wasn't with them.

On the surface Naruto knew there was something about Sasuke that not just him, but no other guy could ever compete with. Sure they'd fought each other multiple times and the upper hand weighed in heavier on his end, but when it came to this, it always slipped right through his fingers. Maybe that fighting spirit was what had set him in a blinker view, unable to see what or who was around him.

Sakura's mind recalled back to when Naruto had first told her he was going to ask Hinata out on a proper date.

"Finally! It took you long enough, baka!" She said hitting him, this time lightly over his head, not like the usual punches she showered him with.

He grinned, happy as if he had gotten her seal of approval, not knowing just how close she and his future girlfriend/future wife had gotten over time. And that Hinata had already admitted to her that she didn't know if Naruto would ever see her as more than a friend.

It was through Sakura's subtle hints and nudges that the blonde had finally realized his likening towards Hinata.

"Go, go, go!" She encouraged, pushing him forward over to where the Hyùga sat alone at Ichiraku Ramen. It was already the perfect place to ask her!

Smiling at the memory, she turned her attention back to her friend who didn't seem to want to take no for an answer, standing with crossed arms over a purple top.

"Fine. I'll rest." She agreed deciding against arguing with Ino tonight. "But you should go home too, nobody's here now."

Ino's face lit up at the mention of home. "I'll lock up just now aswell. Sai organized a dinner for us, and he said it's a surprise!"

Somehow suddenly during the period after the war when things settled down, Sakura's friends began doing the same.

It was no shock that the first time Ino met Sai in the restaurant with the rest of them, calling her beautiful, she knew she had been smitten.

But it did take Sai a couple of turtorial books to eventually make it official to Ino that he too liked her.

"Hope you guy's have fun!" Sakura said, laughing at the excitement shining in her friend's eyes.


Finally having made her way home, she gently loosened out her hair tie while she got into bed. She was too tired to draw the curtains by the window beside her, allowing the light to seep in from the cresent moon. She remembered thinking back as a child, that the moon had been following her.

Placing both arms on the window sill with her head resting ontop, she lifted her hand, pressing it against the cold glass.

Shaking back a bittersweet smile, she thought of the moon mark that was underneath Sasuke's hand. The slightest of things reminded her of him, be it just walking past a sidewalk vendor who was selling tomatoes, to seeing the colour purple which reminded her of the one eye Sasuke became self-conscious about, and now the moon.

She had to admit, not seeing him for this long had surely taken a different type of toll of her. One where she didn't know whether he was coming back as Sasuke Uchiha, the guilt ridden-reckless, or coming back as the avenger turned peace maker.

Or the worst, not coming back at all. But she knew one thing was for certain, he would always hold a piece of her heart no matter which part of the world he was, and his memories would follow her everywhere she went.



Heeeey, it's currently 3 in the morning and I've written this chapter 😳. Just realising that I updated three times this week, and sometimes not after a month.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you think!


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