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(I had too much fun on this chapter)

"Logan!" Roman called from the couch, "I want cuddles and kisses!"

Logan chuckled from the kitchen, "alright, give me two seconds to get lunch done and I'll be right there."

Roman smirked, "one two!"

Logan rolled his eyes, walking into the living room with two plates, "that's not excactly what I meant."

"I know." Roman smiled as Logan placed the plates on the coffee table.

Logan sat down next to Roman, pulling him close and giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. Roman smiled and wrapped his arms around Logan's waist, leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

Logan chuckled, "so how are you feeling?"

"Bored." Roman complained, "I wanna watch a movie but I CAN'T cause I have a STUPID concussion."

Logan hugged his pouting boyfriend tighter, "why don't we invite Patton and Virgil over?"

"Okay." Roman smiled.

Logan pulled out his phone and sent a quick text in the group chat.

Bookworm- Do you guys want to come over to Roman's house? He's bored and can't watch movies because of his concussion.

EmoNightmare- CONCUSSION???

Puppy boi- why does Roman have a concussion?!

EmoNightmare- LOGAN EXPLAIN!!!

Bookworm- Roman got into a minor accident. He's fine other than that.

EmoNightmare- WHAT

Puppy boi- oh no! I'll be right over!

Logan and Roman were laughing at their friends overreactions when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Logan said, standing up.

The boy had barely opened the door when it was thrown open.

"What the FUCK Logan!?" Virgil yelled, "when the HELL did Roman get into a FUCKING ACCIDENT?"

Logan chuckled, "it was late last night. He's in the living room right now."

Virgil marched into the house the moment Logan moved to let him. Logan was about to close the door, when he saw Thomas' car pull into the driveway. Patton jumped out before Thomas could turn off the car.

"Logan! Is Roman okay!?" Patton asked.

Logan nodded, "he's in the living room, probably being yelled at by Virgil."

Patton giggled and nodded, "I better go help him out then."

Logan chuckled and Thomas walked up to him.

"How are you both holding up?" He asked.

"We were both a bit shaken, but we're okay." Logan replied.

Thomas smiled, "that's good."

Logan nodded, "are you staying for a while?"

Thomas shook his head, "no. I'm in the middle of a project right now, but I'll be back later to pick up Patt."

Logan nodded again, "alright."

"Okay." Thomas smiled, "stay safe and have fun."

Logan smiled and nodded, closing the door and coming to his boyfriends rescue.

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