New Life

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Next morning, I wore a loose jeans and checkered blue shirt. I donned my hairs in a simple pony tail and kept my face bare without any make up.

I took my bags and made my way downstairs in the the living room. Everyone has already left to God knows where. But I don't really mind. They are a bit emotional right now. I know they are with me.

Soon, a car pulled in at our doorstep and in came Mr Carlson in all his glory. I must admit he is one handsome man. I wonder how many of his artists have tried to get a piece of him. How many famous hearts has this fine man broken?

"Done checking me out? Sorry honey, one I don't sleep with my artists and two, you are too young and and most important honey, I'm happily married." He replied with a cocky smirk.

"On the contrary Boss, I was just wondering how many juicy gossips I'll encounter while working under you. Be honest with me, how many popular hearts have you broken? How many love rivals did your wife have?" I was damn curious. Well, over the months, he has become a guardian type figure for me so naturally, I was a little bold.

"Meet my wife once and you'll know, she didn't have as many love rivals as me." He said solemnly making me laugh.

"I definitely have to meet Mrs Carlson." I replied.

"Alright then let's go. I'll explain the living situation to you on the way." He said and I nodded.

Inside his lavish Mustang, he explained the living arrangements he made. "As I said before, it is going to be a lot different than what you are used to. A lot harder I might add. But these years out will help you. I can guarantee it. Right now I'm planning a five year training program for you. But it can be cut short if you develop faster.

I'm not going to lie to you training will be tough, very tough but what will be tougher will be the pressure of competition. There is always someone new someone better. On top of that it's not just your singing that we need to improve, you are already gifted with a certain grace and wildness. The combination of these two makes you formidable already. We just need to polish it a little. You diet, daily skin care routine, everything will be controlled by the professionals.

I have a person in mind to polish your singing already. But to bring him on board will take some time. Adjust in the new atmosphere first. Befriend the girls you have to live with. But remember, never to trust them. This is entertainment industry. Never go on superficial appearance of things. And never let your guard down around anyone.

In entertainment industry, no one, I repeat no one is a saint. And if anyone is, the person is swallowed by the industry, ruined to the very core because once the public forms a negative image of you, forget continuing your career, they will destroy your personal life to the very core. The second you are under stoplight, you have no personal life. Never give anyone anything against you. Understood?" He asked and I nodded. I have to take everything he says seriously. This is the path I chose. And I have to live by it.

"Alright. Now let's discuss your living apartment. Not like the one you are used to but definitely the best a newbie can get. You have to live there as long you don't make it big. It's a studio apartment with two rooms. Two girls will share each room. Your roommate is an actress. Older than you, obviously. She is one of the best scorers in acting school. But due to lack of proper connections, she is still doing small time cameo jobs. But the company does plan on getting her famous. In fact all the girls in your apartment are talented newbies who lack connections.

Other two includes one model and one rapper. Like you would have noticed, none of these girls have clashing interests with you so that should make things easier for you. Remember Anna, this industry is not a fair place. A lot of things depend on luck. Sometimes a person becomes popular overnight, sometimes you work hard for years yet no one knows your name." He explained and I nodded.

I knew the ups and downs of it when I heard about it. But there are only a few things I'm good at. I just need to go with my instincts and I have a gut feeling, this is where I belong.

Very soon we stopped in front of a shabby building. I took in a deep breath and came out. Cars and motorcycles were rushing around. There were people on the street. In short, a rather noisy place.

I heard a chuckle and turned to see an amused expression on Mr Carlson's face. "Honey, this is what commoners call a decent house and decent locality. It is just your previous life style that was too extravagant. You don't have to look at it like it's a slump. You will break people's heart."

I nodded. This is my life now. I have no right to criticise anyone.

I made my way to my apartment in seventh floor. I rang the door bell and very soon someone opened the door making me stop a beat. I must say, this girl is a beauty. Good facial features, lean body without an ounce of fat and flawless skin.

"This must be the model." I said making my way in.

Mr Carlson chuckled, "Rapper, Mandy. That is Salina, the model and the blondie is Cassy the actress."

I turned around and breath caught up. And I thought those socialites are pretty. These girls over here is what define beauty. Cassy had those innocent beauty charm. Making one feel at ease in her company. And Salina looked like one of those bold, wild girls that can make your life rock. Their body is beyond perfect and skin is absolutely flawless. Salina is a pure nock out beauty. One look and you'll be entrapped.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy Milton. Nice to meet you." Said Cassy a little too sweet.

Fake, the kind I hate the most.

I'm used to the type. But this girl can sure be useful. Very useful. Let's see who acts better between us.

I gave a warm smile, the once I've well practiced on those bimbos when I have to take anything from them. "Hello, please call me Anna." I put on a naive expression. She needs to understand that I'm no competition. Someone she can wipe out in one blow.

"Welcome to the family Anna." She said sweetly hiding a triumphant smirk.

Nailed it Anna.

Now this girl is completely under my charm.

"Hello fatso." Salina mocked.

"Hello slut." I answered sweetly.

"You bitch I-"

"Enough." Mr Carlson roared.

"Howdy." Mandy said detached. The kind that mind their own business. My favorite.

"Hello Mandy." I replied politely.

"Okay, I'll be leaving now. You girls help Anna settle in." Mr. Carlson said. Salina scoffed and left. "Anna, can I have a word with you?"

"Sure Mr Carlson." I said and followed him outside.

"And here I was having a hard time thinking the heartache you'll get from your new roommate and there you are playing her game flawlessly. I'm impressed my star." Mr Carlson said as they was out of earshot.

"I've lived in the rich society. And survived. And I don't have to explain you, the higher up we move into the society, the more vicious people we meet. If I could not see through people, I would be buried under ground by now." I replied. "By the way, nice test."

"Just looking out for you honey. Giving you a glimpse of this dark industry." Mr Carlson said and I nodded. I understood what he said perfectly.

This is my new life. And it is not all rainbows and hearts. It's vicious, ruthless, dark. But I am more vicious, more ruthless, and above all, I'm ready.

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