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As I came back home the first thing I did was call my family. They were all brimming with happiness when they heard who my new singing teacher was.

"Mr Carlson really outdid himself this time. I never thought he would get someone of that caliber for you. Good." Dad said.

"I still remember how you went on hunger strike to meet him when you were little. He was so impressed by your singing even then." Mom said with shaky voice. "And now look at you. My little girl is all grown up."

"Don't get too cocky. Perform well in front of him otherwise he will throw you out." Oli said arrogantly. But soon his voice became emotional "Congratulations sister. You will reach the heights of fame someday. I know you will."

"That's right Anna. You were born to sing." Angie said but she sounded a little impatient. What important work could she have now?

Don't tell me! I thought of a preposterous idea and gasped.

I usually cook my diet meal when I talk to them. But since I'm having a celebration party today, I'll skip on my diet. Camille promised it is just till I gained perfect body weight. After that eating non greasy food and avoiding too much sweets will be enough.

"Oh, and I got a part time job at a garage." I said waiting for their over reaction but it never came.

"Really? Good. That means more pay for you right?" Mom said.

"You're not angry for me at working in a garage?" I asked.

"Little sister, you have never been like normal girls. Doing such tomboyish thing is completely normal for you." Oli said in a duh tone.

"But still, a garage? Anna, take care of your safety. You can't trust hooligans like them." Angie said. Always the concerned cat.

Truth be told, Angie as always thought of me as a weak, reckless person. She thinks I just put up a facade for being strong. Well, all elder sisters think same of their younger sister.

"Chill Angie, Anna has beaten up three boys twice her size and age to pulp in junior school. Did you forget that. She can take good care of herself." Dad said. "But Anna, remember to keep pepper spray with you in case of emergency. You know my motto"

"We never prepare to loose only loose to prepare." We said together.

"Okay dad. I'll do that." I said. "By the way, I got an increment on my job. Hundred percent increment. Oh and the job in garage is not for money. It's in exchange of a car. Not anything special but it is my first car." 

"Well today has been a lucky day for you." Dad said.

"Tell about it." I replied.

"Anna, I'm so proud to see you working so hard to obtain your dream. Even if you don't achieve it, I'm happy with the effort you're putting in it." Mom said her voice shaking.

"Me too Anna. I'm proud of you. But I have to leave now. I have an important assignment to submit tomorrow. I'll talk to you later." Angie said.

"Guys, can I call you back in a minute? I have something private to talk to Angie." I said.

"Okay." Dad said.

"Get back to us quickly. We have more to talk about." Mom said.

"Okay mom and dad. Bye" I said hanging up and calling only Angie's number.

"Yes Anna what is it about? I really have to rush with the assignment." She said.

"Bitch spill." I said firmly.

After a moment of silence she said, "how did you know?"

"Because you Angela Parish are never late for an assignment. You are always early. So what else can a girl of your age and face do this late?" I said.

She knows she can't keep anything from me. Then why does she try?

"His name is Aden Morris. He is a business management student. He belongs to the famous Morris family and is the only heir to the empire. Anna he is so hot and romantic and just perfect in every damn thing. He treats me like a treasure. I feel so lucky to have met him." She said with a dreamy voice.

"Oh my god my sister is in love. But what about your first secret crush?" I asked suddenly.

"He is more like an illusion. I told you he doesn't like getting close to well, anyone. No matter how hard any girl chases after him, he doesn't give them a look. I can't wait for such a person forever. Not when someone so amazing is waiting for me." She said.

"Okay sis. I won't keep you away from your darling anymore. Bye." I said teasingly.

"Bye Anna." She replied and hung up.

I called my family back and talked for a few minutes before everyone came. It was a small get together kind of thing.

Andrick Mason is not a small name in music industry. He was trend settler. There are numerous die hard fan of him even after he retired so many years ago. He is a legend. And to be a part of his legacy is a big deal already.

So when they heard of him being my mentor, they were all pleasantly surprised. Well, most of them were pleasantly surprised. Cassy was already green with envy when she heard the news. So when I told them about my new car and raise, she was about to faint.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to walk free either. Apparently, most part of my next month's payment is reserved for shopping.

"Come on Camille. Let me cut me some slack. What's wrong with what I wear?" I whined.

"Anna, you have to learn how to maintain yourself from now. You have to get used to dressing up. As much as you like you comfy clothes, start wearing clothes that are more fashionable than comfy." She said.

Good bye new bed for one more month.

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