Call from home

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I made my way back to my apartment. The only thing I wanted right now was good food. Something spicy and greasy. Unfortunately, I'm on a diet.

Despite, lenient diet, street food is forbidden because apparently it harms the skin. I did buy ice cream and a small pepperoni pizza though. And rest of the girls in my apartment will not eat it so I don't have to share it. Not sharing my pizza, yay.

"Anna, you're finally home." Cassy said. How can she act 24X7? "How did it go?" She said worriedly. But I could see she was certain I won't get the job.

I smiled at her said happily, "I got it. 1000 dollars per month." Is it a crime to kill someone by making them too jealous? I hope I won't be arrested.

"That's very good. Congratulations." She said gritting her teeth.

"Thanks. I brought ice cream and pizza to celebrate." I said happily showing them the box.

"We are on diet. Unlike a certain someone, we need to maintain ourselves." Salina sneered. I'm gonna break her jaw.

"That's right. Didn't you say you are on one too?" Cassy asked.

"I am. But they allowed me a bit of leniency 'cause I promised to work out more. I'm gonna eat half of the pizza today and the rest of it tomorrow. Same goes with the ice cream. You can share if you want." I said politely.

"No thanks. I'm on strict diet." She declined.

I shrugged, ate my fill and kept the rest in the fridge.

I made my way to the kitchen to make my dinner. Just then my phone rang. It was from home.

I immediately picked up and heard Angie's worried voice. "Anna, why didn't you call the whole day? Do you know how worried we were? Are you okay? Nobody bullied you right? Are the people over there being nice to you?"

"Calm down Angie. Let the girl speak." Oli said. Must be on conference call.

"Thanks for giving me the chance to speak. Finally." I stressed on the last part. "The day was, chaotic. I got up at five. I had to exercise for two hours. Then I spent five hours with my stylist getting my make over. And she said, next month I'm going to get a bikini wax. I remember Angie was crying whole day on her first time so I never dared trying it but now I apparently have to. And she gave me mountain of cosmetics for skin and hair care. Then I went for grocery shopping for the first time and I even got a part time job as a pianist in a five star restaurant." I completed everything in a single breath.

There was silence on the other side of the line. Then I heard sobbing of various people.

"Oh my little girl has grown up." Dad said trying not to show that he was crying in which he failed miserably.

"You took a part time job?" Oli said choking with sobs.

Mom and Angie seemed too emotional to utter a word.

I laughed at their response. "Come on guys. I'm a big girl. It's about time I started doing these things. I did decide to be independent. So doing all these is unavoidable."

"Right. Of course you had to do these things. Is the new place suiting you well?" Mom asked.

"Well, it will take some time to adjust. Don't worry too much about it." I said nonchalantly. I know if I mentioned anything, they are going to help me and I don't want that to happen.

"Anna." Mom warned. Uh, how can moms control you so easily? It's illogical.

"Well my bed is creating a problem. I woke up stiff today." I said reluctantly. "But I'm gonna buy it from my salary next month. You're not allowed to buy me new." I added.

"Okay." Dad said briskly and started talking about other things. My cooking was over by then. I took a glass of warm milk, rest of my dinner and made my way to the living room and continued talking to them while eating. I explained everything I did today including my exercises, my beauty treatment, my diet plan, my new job, everything.

I was drooping by the time I was done explaining. And fell asleep halfway through Angie was telling about her day.

I was however woken up by a phone call. Checking the time, it was 12. Who was calling me now? It was an unknown number.

"Hello." I said picking up.

"Hello Anna. It's Camille." Camille answered in her sweet voice.

"Camille? So late?" I asked puzzled.

"Well it was your first day so I called to remind you about night care."

"Oh, okay, I'll do that now." I said yawning as I dragged my tired body to my room.

What an actual headache. Speaking of headache, I fell asleep halfway while talking to my family.

I quickly typed an apology to each one of them. And the reply came in less than a minute.

Mom: It's okay honey, we understand.

Me: Thanks mom.

Dad: Don't overwork yourself.

Me: I'll try to. No guarantees though. I've just started.

Oli: Sorry won't do. Promise to have a proper chat with us no matter how tired you are.

Me: Yes sir.

Angie didn't reply though. I know because she's angry. She's the most sensitive of all. I'll call her later.

I did my night care routine and slept on my rock of a bed.

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