Author's Note

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Hello, this is Amara.

My stories are purely work of my mind. I do not plagiarise other's works and do not allow others to do so with me as well. I allow mild criticism but if you're here only to criticize, this is not a story for you.

If you're looking for damsel in distress kind of story, my stories are not for you. I believe in liberal and non sexist views and my stories will always portray them. My FM are always strong, independent women and the ML are crazy, obsessive and possessive.

Do leave me comments on what you think of the story and give me ideas every now and then. I sometimes run out of ideas so yeah, any creative idea is gratefully received.

Also, my stories have mature contents and strong language every once awhile. And I don't always give warnings. So you've already been warned.

Thank you,


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