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"Hi guys and you are back on your favourite talk show. We have with us the most trending singer of the time, Miss Anna Carlin. Let's give her a huge round of applause." The host, Nathaniel Smith said enthusiastically.

After a round of applause from the audience present on set I said, "Thanks guys. I love you all." I gave a classic flying kiss to all present and the camera.

"So Anna, you have been in talk a lot recently. On top that unbeatable beauty of yours, you are the winner of the singing sensation this season, one of you album has been recorded, another one is pending and on top of that your company's lead designer got golden fashion's best designer award and your company signed a huge contract with ten top supermodels and actresses in the industry. It won't be wrong to say that you are on fire these days." Smith said smiling in a friendly manner.

"Thanks for the exaggerated compliments Nathaniel." I replied politely.

"So tell us something about you Anna. Not much is really known to the public." He asked.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked. "I'm not an open book like most stars but I will try to answer anything I can."

"Okay, let's start with your family. Tell us about them." He asked.

"Youngest. One elder brother, one elder sister. And parents, obviously." I replied.

"You have elder siblings? I never heard of them." He asked curious.

"Actually you have. You just don't know they are my siblings." I answered.

"What are their names?" He asked.

"Not in a mood to tell. Sorry." I said casually and I could see Dan holding his head and the host looking like surprised.

"It's not good to keep secrets from your fans don't you agree?" He asked.

"Nope. They are my fans. They love me for my voice. If they really admire me, they will wait till I'm ready to give these answers. Won't you guys." I asked looking at the audience and the reply was a ton of screaming. I smiled and winked and they screamed louder.

Nathaniel took some time to react and tried to change the subject. "Well, we can't press you if you don't wanna answer. So let's talk about something else. That's a nice pendant you have." He said pointing at the diamond studded 'P' on my neck on the platinum chain. "What does that 'P' stand for?"

"My last name." I replied casually.

"Um I don't see a 'P' anywhere in Carlin." He asked perplexed.

"Carlin is my middle name." I replied.

"So what is you last name?" He asked.

"Not in a mood to say." I swear I could see fumes coming from his ears and I held back a smirk.

"When are you going to say anything?" He asked.

"By the end of the year, if it gives me enough popularity." I answered.

"Why are you so secretive about you family. Why is a certain level of popularity required for you to say anything about your family?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to live in the shadow of their name. I've worked my ass off since I was eighteen just to have my own name. And saying my family's name now will ruin all my hard work. It will give me instant fame for sure, but I will always be what I am because of my family's name, not because of myself. I don't want that." I replied.

"Must be a pretty impressive background for if you think your popularity is still not enough." He said clearly trying to take things on a lighter note.

"Trust me, it is." I answered.

"But you family should be proud of you already with all your achievements already." He said making me smile.

"They are." I answered.

"So tell me, you must have to go through a lot in school. You're a knock out beauty, topper of you batch in BA, MA and MBA. So beauty with brains. And on top of that you're so talented. Must be teachers' pet, and reason of many heartbreaks of boys and jealousy of girls." He said smiling.

"On the contrary, I was one of the worst student in my school. I barely got promoted in next class. And I have a bit of a temper so I used to get into trouble, a lot. I think my english teacher was traumatised for five years because of how much trouble I caused. As for 'knock out beauty', trust me you wouldn't call me anything close to that if you saw my pictures of school, overweight, unhealthy skin full of blemishes and pores and pimples, clothes like from some demonic cult. I was the black sheep in my perfect family." I replied with a small smile.

"Then what happened? Looking at you now, something much have caused this change." Nathaniel asked seriously curious.

"Leonardo Carlson happened." I replied. "He is a senior from same high school. He came on a day just to remember the good old days of school, heard me singing, said I was a star material, talked to my parents and brought me into the industry. Now, people are not going to like a fatso are they? So had to go through..... Well let just let it be." I said not wanting to say a sob story.

"No, no, please Anna. Your fans want to know. Elaborate your journey to here." He said. And I did, from leaving my house to the hours of physical exercises, to numerous cosmetics, to my part time jobs. For the first time I said everything that was on my mind for five damn years.

"So, that's my journey. Anything else?" I asked looking at him while his jaws were still hanging open from my story.

"That was a nice story." After some pause, he replied with a slight grin, and I saw something dark in his eyes. Looks like it's time he made his real move. "Any boyfriends?" He asked.

"One in high school. Didn't have any after that. Like I said, too busy for anything. But I do have a crush on someone. And I plan on chasing him after this album release." I smiled thinking of my tyrant evil king.

"Does this crush have a name?" He asked.

"He does. But I like to call him evil tyrant  king." I replied.

"Well, we did some research. And were surprised to find your crush is a married man." He said.

What? When the hell did he get married? Oh no! I don't wanna be single forever.

"Oliver Parish from the famous Parish family. That is your evil tyrant king, right?" He said looking at me with a smirk making my head snap towards him instantly with wide eyes. He motioned towards the huge screen behind us and a picture of me and Oli hugging was displayed.

I looked at the picture, then at Nathaniel who was waiting for an embarrassed expression perhaps and then again at the picture. Then I bust out laughing. I laughed so hard, my eyes teared up.

"Hold on.... You think me and Oli......" I again broke out laughing. If anyone can't see sibling love between us, either they are blind, or they just don't wanna see it. "You mind if I called someone?" I asked finally getting a hold of my laughing fit.

"Sure go ahead." He said looking at me weirdly.

This fool is in for a big surprise.

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