Old Friend

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Anna's POV:

"Anna, I swear to God I'm gonna commit suicide if you keep this up. I know that the producer was out of line to touch your thighs like that but you really didn't have to break his hand in return. Do you have any idea how big of a scandal that would have been." Danny scolded over the phone.

"Sorry Danny. I'll try to keep my anger under control next time." I said apologetically.

"You said that last three times as well. In one month this is the forth time I'm handling something like this for you." He answered exasperated.

"I thought you liked tough stars. It's like a drug to you." I complained playfully.

"Overdose can kill. So for the umpteenth time. Don't cause another scandal while you're recording. Shooting for video of the song will probably happen in Prague next month. Don't give me a headache for at least one month please." He said and hung up grumpily after a good bye.

Seriously, what could I probably do while I'm singing. According to my notice, the only problem is that the singer working with me is an arrogant big shot. Noting major. As long as they don't cause trouble, I won't break their precious body parts.

I was muling over my own thought as I surfed through internet going through various latest news when my phone rang.

"Hello." I responded without looking at the number.

There was a pause on the other side of the phone for sometimes. Usually I hang up if the other party doesn't reply within a minute. But for some reason, I felt this phone call was important. And my intuitions are never wrong.

After a long time, there came a reply in a shaky, raspy voice, "hello".

I froze for a moment not believing my ears. God please let it be a merry call and not an emergency. "Cera?" I said hesitantly only to meet with controlled sobbing from other end.

One hour later I'm standing in front of my estranged childhood best friend. In her ragged torn clothes and pitiful condition. The proud and arrogant Cera that never refused to speak her mind, that never came out of her room until she had her shoes matching her lipstick was nowhere in sight. That cheerful bubbly girl was replaced by this shell of a person that has lost her reason to live all together. Her eyes lack the liveliness it used to carry and turned into a dull, lifeless window to hell. Her ever present smile was nowhere to be found on that crying face that has lost all its original warmth.

I told her this would happen. That not one of them actually loved her especially Ron. They were in it only for profit. But she never listened. Instead she blamed me for being jealous of her good life while mine was rotting away. After that fight, she cut all contact with me. It's more than six years since we last talked. If only she understood my concern then a lot of it could have been avoided.

I already has a rough guess that my worst fear has come true. So I didn't ask her a thing. I just brought her inside my car and let her cry her heart out on my shoulders. Cera Stanley, my best friend is too naive and good for her own good. Because she had a pure and loving heart, she thought everyone was the same.

For a long time none us said a thing. In fact we haven't talked since we met. That is how it has always been between us. We always know what the other needed most. And right now, she doesn't need consoling words or an 'I told you so'. She just needs a shoulder to cry on.

After she was done crying, I bought her back to my apartment.

"Here, all them are new and since you're my size now, finally." I added that part pointedly as I gave her some clothes. In our school days due to our different size, we could never wear each other's clothes. Though we had abundant clothes at the time, we still envied girls that could wear share their clothes with their best friend. "You can wear them."

A small smile appeared on her dull face at our childhood memories. "No one can hurt you here." I said reassuringly. "Go, take a shower and get some sleep. Leave the rest to me." She nodded as her eyes filled with unshed tears again and left.

Cera's sudden appearance brought all my childhood memories back. Back then, not many people wanted to be my friend. My appearance and attitude always irked everyone. Only Cera stuck to my side because I saved her from being bullied in kindergarten. Ever since then she had been like a shadow to me. I never felt lonely as long as she was around. I saved her once, but her presence in my life alone saved me from a certain doom. I don't know what I'd have been without her. A cheerful and bubbly girl like her would get numerous friend. Unlike an antisocial girl like me.

She was there when I needed her the most. It's high time I returned the favour back.

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