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By the time everyone decided to leave, it was already one. I came down the apartment to see them off. When I was coming back though, I saw a van pull up close to our entrance. And Salina walked out of it.

But she had bruises on her face again. She works at a fight club. Bruises are normal on her face. She says a few fighters get out of hand so accidents happen.

She looked a little impatient to get out of there. A little scared even. Soon a buff looking guy came out of the car, chased after her and caught her hand roughly. "You do not get to walk out on me bitch." He roared.

"Let me go Mac." Salina pleaded.

"You dare talk back to me." He raised a hand. Obviously for a slap.

I hate men that thinks they could bully women because they stronger and are male.

"Didn't you hear what she said?" I said loud and clear making my presence known.

"Oh, look the bitch got a fatso saviour." Mac said.

"Stay out of this Anna. I don't need your help." Salina hissed.

"Whoever said I'm doing this for you." I said leisurely walking to them. "It's just his face I can't take. He looks worse than a crab." I said looking him in disgust.

Salina gasped in horror and Mac looked furious. "Bitch you're gonna pay for disrespecting me." He sneered and raised a hand to punch me.

I stopped it with my left hand and using my right hand, I cracked his hand at his elbow joint. He screamed on top of his lungs as he collapsed on the road. I looked down at him emotionlessly. My usual smile gone.

Salina looked at me incredulously and a little terrified by my attitude. I don't blame her though. I am a little scary in my hunting mode. There is no emotions on my face. Just a little blood lust in my eyes. Alright, a lot of bloodlust in my eyes.

"Bitch you gonna pay for that." He said.

I sighed, "Looks like you haven't learnt your lesson yet." As I said that I launched attacks at him. First thing I did was break his other hand and both of his legs. Then I sat on top of him, punching his face mindlessly. All the while I had no emotion on my face.

"You think you can do anything just because you are a male?" I asked in a chillingly calm voice. Mac looked at me with horror. "Well news flash honey. Not every woman takes your shit. Was it fun hitting a woman?" I asked rhetorically. "Must be fun." I said as I punched his already broken hand at an angle that will sure make him crippled for life.

He screamed in agony. "Tell me how does it feel when the tables turn?" I said my face still devoid of any emotions. He looked at me as if I'm some demon from hell. Some people say they like hurting people. They like the fear in there eyes.

I on the other hand don't feel anything. There no joy, no remorse nothing. I attack to destroy. That's it. It's like a game. Set a target, destroy the target, game over.

"You know, it's been a while since I've been so ruthless to anyone." I said. Last time it happened in junior year. I almost killed the three bullies. One is still in vegetative state while the rest three are crippled for life.

I left him when I was certain I did enough damage to destroy his perfect life. I took out my phone and called dad, updating him on what just happened. There is nothing dad can't handle. And I have an inkling feeling that he is no ordinary man.

With that I left the man to his own accord and turned to leave. I noticed Salina was watching the whole thing shell shocked. "Are you coming or are you going to nurse his broken body?" I looked at her expressionlessly and started to go the apartment.

Suddenly, Salina hugged me from behind. "Thanks Anna. You don't know what you have done for me." She said sobbing.

"All I know is that I thought a crab face a good lesson." I said.

"But he is no ordinary person." She cautioned.

"Well neither am I." I said taking her in with me.


I fell on my bed face first. "Why couldn't we just bye clothes online?" I whined.

"Because Camille wanted to see how you looked wearing them." Salina said amused by my reaction. "Stop being a baby."

"Easy for you to say. I have started uni last month, have two jobs, have to exercise for hours trying various forms of physical fitness ranging from regular gym to teakwando or whatever it's called to power yoga. And now shopping. I am beat." I said trying to mold in the bed. I never want to leave it.

"Alright, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm going to cook something for myself. Want to share?" She asked.

"Salina, you are sent by heaven for me." I said exaggerating it by wipping my imaginary tears.

She laughed and left for the kitchen. "You two have gotten along good." Cassy said.

"Yup." I replied.

"And you lost quite a lot of weight in a small time. Even your skin and hair look better." She said.

"Honey, I train for three hours a day. Aside from my running around doing various things. And the amount of money and time I have to spend in getting this look? I would pull my hairs if it didn't show any results yet." I said.

"Enough of small talks. Here Anna." Salina came in with two bowls of chicken soup. She makes them tasty without unwanted spices and oil.

"Salina, you should try for master chef America this year." I said eating greedily.

She chuckled. "Oh, it has been quite some days in uni. How is it going?" Salina asked.

"Quite good. Andrick is friends with some professors there. They agreed to give me extra time if I needed help." I replied.

"That's good. So you gonna begin your singing career after three years of BA?" She asked.

"No. I plan on doing MA as well. Five years. After that I'll begin my singing career." I said.

"You'll be 23 then. Not too old but it's advantageous to begin as young as you can. You know the industry rules don't you?" She asked.

"Yes I do. But I need some time to stabilize. To learn about the world I'm entering. And I want to try America's singing sensation next season. You know unlike most shows, it's held once in every five years. This year's auditions are going on now. So I plan on next season. It has perfect timing with my studies as well." I said.

"I don't want to be mean, but do you know the number of people that wants to participate in it. The rewards are incredible, no doubt. Instant fame, one million award money, and contract with one of the best music company, Blue Moon. But so is the competition." Cassy chimed in.

Salina was about to give her a piece of her mind but I stopped her. "What's the fun without any competition?" I replied winking.

Five years. So many things can change in this time. I hope it is a good change.

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