Unfinished Bussiness

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By the end of meeting, I had successfully won over the old geezers. I didn't know myself I'd have such good business ideas to share. There were people who didn't want hear me out because of my young age but one cold glare from Theo and they kept their mouth shut.

"I never thought I'd be considered a kid at the age of 23. I'm supposed to be an adult and yet they treated me like an amateur." I complained on my private meeting with Theo about Dark Mist.

"You are an amateur for them. Most if not all of them has been in the business world for more than your age." Theo replied amusedly.

"I know. But still." I complained.

"Can we talk about important things now please?" He asked.

"Like the investment?" I asked arching an eyebrow. That was the reason why this meeting was held.

"No. Things more important than that." He said.

"What's more important than that?" I asked.

"Us." He finally said irritated.

"What's there to talk about. Either you go on a date with me after this meeting or I keep bugging you until you do every time I have time from my tight schedule." I said like it was obvious what was going to happen. He looked at me wide eyed at my words.

"What? I promised this is what I'd do right?" I replied.

"Just like that? No playing hard to get or anything." He asked.

"I've played hard to get for five damn years. Anything more would be cruel. Both on you and me." I replied with a shrug. I mean come on, five years are enough.

He chuckled at this, a pure manly, panty dropping chuckle. And again, I blushed, scarlet. "You're right. But I wanna woo you properly. I was kinda hopping you'd play hard to get." He confessed.

"Oh baby. Trust me in the years of us being together, trying to woo me will never die down. You'll get your fill. Maybe you don't know. But the girl in front of you is quite a brat." I said with a smirk.

He laughed again and took his phone, "Blaine, get a reservation of Rose's for tonight."

"Now let's talk about business." He said.

"No, before that we'll talk about you stalking me. That collage was good. But it was sort of creepy." I said.

"You said you needed time and I was already hooked. What else did you think I'd do?" He defended himself.

"I don't know? Call me like a normal person and we could have a relationship instead of letting me know that you've been stalking me for years at the first time?" I said.

"Why? You are going to be mine anyways. You should know exactly what you're getting yourself into." He said casually like taking about the weather.

"There are so many things wrong with your statement. One, I don't belong to you. I'm not some property. Two, you sound as if stalking someone is a casual thing to do, like nothing is wrong with it. And three, you CANNOT LAY CLAIM ON ME." I emphasised the point again to get it inside his thick skull.

"One, yes you belong to me. You are not a property but you are my most valuable possession. Two, maybe you don't know yet, but the man in front of you is known to be extreme. In every damn aspect of my life. So will love be and three, if you want revenge, I don't mind you laying claims on me." He finished his words with a mischievous grin.

What have I gotten myself into?

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