End of Waiting

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I smiled as I looked at my baby on the stage. I was sitting there in front of the camera with so much ease like she was sitting in her garden. It is just natural to her, her feistiness, her confidence. It was all like her second nature. That one thing has not changed. Whether it was before or now.

She looked absolutely ravishing sitting over there in her short sea green dress that brought out her green eyes even more.

She looked absolutely ravishing sitting over there in her short sea green dress that brought out her green eyes even more

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Her bleached hairs cascaded down her shoulders like waterfall. Her make up was natural with glossy pink lipstick and light eye makeup that made her look youthful and beautiful. The only flashy thing was the multiple piercing in her ears. I really would love to kiss each on of them when I run my tongue over her earlobe later.

I felt so proud of all her accomplishments. Especially because I saw how hard She worked to get all of it. She didn't even have enough time for herself. She even started her own company. I heard she even planned on hitting the market soon. She would need investors for that and I'd be more than happy to help. Thay way she would have to spend more time with me. I'll make sure of it.

I have given her enough time. I'm sure my gift would have made her wonder who did it. After all, we only met briefly more than five days ago. It's not her who had her stalked. She hasn't heard about me anything. And I'm crazy about her. And I'm not hiding it. She has to come into this knowing all the ropes. But she has to. She doesn't exactly has a choice in that. She is already mine. She just doesn't know it yet.

I smiled as she enjoyed making the host angrier and angrier. My baby is really something else. "So, any boyfriends?" He asked casually.

No, but that's soon going to change. In fact, I have a ring ready. It's already been more than five years. I'll just propose her when I think she is ready to agree. Not that it matters though. Like I said, she is already mine. The marriage will just give us public claim over each other.

"One in high school. Didn't have any after that. Like I said, too busy for anything. But I do have a crush on someone. And I plan on chasing him after this album release." She answered smiling and I felt my world stop.

She has crush? On whom. According to my surveillance, she rejected each and every male that ever asked her out. Everyone except.......

I'll kill Oliver Parish. If thinks he can have my baby, he is so dreaming. I'll make him disappear without a trace. He already has a wife. How dare him seduce my baby?

"Does this crush have a name?" The host asked.

I was already planning ways to get rid of that b*stard when my baby replied,"He does. But I like to call him evil tyrant  king."

Everything stopped again. But this time, instead of seeing red, I was flying over the moon. She has crush on me? ME? I believe in divine powers now. This is a miracle. Not only does she remember me, she even has a crush on me. Could it be that the reason she said no to all those men back then was also because she wanted to be with me?

"Well, we did some research. And were surprised to find your crush is a married man." He said and my baby's face dropped.

What the fuck is he talking about. I'm not married. I waited for my baby for so long. Am I nuts to get married. If he sabotaged my relationship with Anna, I swear to God....

"Oliver Parish from the famous Parish family. That is your evil tyrant king, right?" The host said and I snapped. What? No! I'm her evil tyrant king. Me. Stop joining my baby's name with that idiot.

Just then I heard a fit of laughter. I looked at Anna to see she was having a fit of laughter about everything. Okay, mental note, never talk about her and this Oliver guy's relationship. Otherwise she'll laugh a me like an idiot. Just like she did with this idiot. Or worse, get angry at me because of it.

Next what happened had my mind blown. She knew Astrid Parish. So maybe they have a sibling love between them. I mean it doesn't look completely romantic. In that case I shouldn't curse Oliver in front of her. In case she gets angry.

"Bro, you have heaven smiling upon you." Zack said next to me as I drove off to my apartment. He was sitting next to me in the VIP room in the studio. "Here I was thinking of the ways you will use to chase after the woman you've stalked for five years, and here we are. She is going to be chasing you. This is so exciting."

"Excuse you. But I'm the man in this relationship. It's my job to chase not her's." I replied curtly.

"Okay. So what are you going to do now?" He asked.

"Wait for her to come back from Prague. Then, I'm gonna make my move." I answered with a smirk.

You won't even know what hit you baby. I'll trap you in my love forever. You won't be able to escape anymore.

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