Singing teacher

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I woke up bright and early. I dreamt about Mr McDreamy. My first wet dream, like ever. The way those eyes looked at me. The way he talked to me, his voice, his eyes, his lips, his attention demanding personality. Damn my heart is wounded. My love life is completely destroyed because of that one meeting. It's been a week since we met. And I've been dreaming of him for the entire week. But last night, those dreams took a nasty turn.

Theodore Maxwell, what have you done to me. I internet stalked him yesterday. He is actually stated as third hottest men around the globe. First is a Hollywood superstar and second is a my dear brother. He is even crowned as fifth wealthiest man under the age of 30 around the globe. Oli is sixth. I didn't knew my brother is so famous.

As I can remember, the Maxwells and the Parish do have some beef. Nothing major, just common comparison to who is stronger than the other has rendered us at an awkward position. So we generally avoid each other to reduce the comparisons.

In love with the rival? How exciting. Unfortunately, I can't chase after him right now. But I will. When I can, I'm so gonna make him mine.

Thinking about him brought a subtle unstoppable smile on my face. Just then my phone rang.

Who is calling so early morning? Of course, one and only Leo.

"Yup" I said without any greeting.

"Good morning to you too." He said slightly irritated. What's with these elder men and there need to decipline younger people?

"You called me to hear a good morning?" I said bored.

"No I called to inform that your singing teacher has been decided." He huffed.

"Really? Thanks Leo, you're the best." I said happily.

"That's more like it." He said completely happy now. What a drama queen! "Be ready at twelve. I'll pick you up."

"Okay, bye." I hung up happily and got ready for the gym.

I jogged to Carlos place as usual. After my usual exercise. They actually make me drink glucose instead of water while exercising. And let me tell you, it tastes horrible.

Soon it was noon. I got ready in my usual comfy clothes.

"You ready?" Leo asked as I sat next to him in his car.

"When am I not?" I asked rhetorically. "What is his name by the way?"

"That my dear is a surprise. Actually, he found me first and asked directly if Anna Carlin is Anabeth Carlin Parish? When I gave an affirmative, he immediately requested to be your mentor. That too without any fee. On top of that he quite good in singing too. In fact, he is one of a kind type singer."

It took us two long hours to drive to his place. It was a small Victorian style villa with a huge garden area on the borders of the city. His villa wasn't anything modern or luxurious. Yet not even I could say it was a not good. The inside had homely vibe making you relax instantly. The air here was cleaner than main city and had a faint pleasant fragrance.

There was a shade made in the garden. Nearby was a small artificial pond with many colourful fishes. There was no sound of the loud city here. There were many trees all around. Some of fruits and some had beautiful and fragrant flowers in it. This place looked like kissed by nature. So warm, so relaxing.

"This is a nice place." I said taking a deep relaxed breath.

"Your mentor's place. He is waiting for you there." Leo said pointing at the shed. I saw a lean figure with grey hairs. I had a hunch if who it was but I quickly discarded the idea. How could he be here?

I made my way closer and my suspicion got deeper. "Andrick Mason?" I shrieked.

Mr Mason turned at me and smiled his famous kind smile. "We meet again Anna. How long has it been? Ten years?" He asked.

"Nine years, ten months and eight days sir." I said looking at him without blinking. He chuckled at my reaction. "Still as enthusiastic as always."

I nodded. "So have you been practicing?" He asked.

"How could I not. You were right. Music became my strength when I was almost broken by the ones I trusted. It became my friend when I was alone and sad and a constant source of peace and happiness to me." I said with a small smile.

He smiled at me. "Glad someone sees it that way." He continued again after a pause. "So ready for singing with me?"

"Oh hell yes." I exclaimed. "By the way, is this where we practice daily?" I asked and he nodded making me squeal

"This perfect." I said running in the open garden happily like a little girl. Not even Parish Mansion can compare to this.

Mr Mason chuckled at my theatrics. And beaconed me back to the shade. And I happily skipped to him. It has been years since I saw him. But he still holds the same charisma

We practiced for about two hours. Until he suggested at little brake. I nodded. He went in to the kitchen. Even the kitchen looked nice. It had every modern kitchen facilities. Everything was neatly placed in its own place.

"Would you like coffee and some cookies?" He asked and I nodded.

With a cup of coffee we sat at a comfortable couch. "So Anna, going by the fact that you are using your second name, I guess you don't want to use your family name right now?"

"Yes sir. Actually, I want to attain heights with my own efforts. If I use Parish name, no matter how good I become, I will only be considered as a rich girl that got everything given to her in a silver plater. Other than that I want to have a sense of accomplishments within myself." I explained.

"So you are not taking any help from your family?" He asked. I nodded in return. "So where are you living right now? How are your days going by?"

"I'm living in an apartment allotted by the company. They have been working on my physical appearance right now. I have taken a job of pianist in Elvis'. It's a five star restaurant. My uni is starting next week. New York university." I stated.

"Those places are quite far from here. How are you going to come here for practice daily?" He asked.

I didn't think that. Just getting about will take me whole day. What about my studies? What about my practice. There are not many public transport around. I may get a cab while coming here but getting one here to go back? That will be a problem.

"I'll think of something." I said hesitantly.

"No need. I already have something in mind. Do you know how to drive a car?" He asked and I nodded. I learnt it when I was fifteen from our chauffeur. Trust me, the entire process was a disaster.

"Good. Follow me. Let's visit an old friend." He said.

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