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Third person:

Two days after meeting Anna, the Collin family called the Parish family for dinner. None of the members of Parish family liked the Collins. They were too fake for their liking. But because Angela chose Aden, they had no choice but to agree.

On the dining table, the entire Collin family tried to flatter the Parish family by different ways. But they could have talked to a wall for all good it did to them. Suddenly, Caroline noticed matching bracelets on Adriana and Samuel.

"Oh my God Mrs Parish. Those bracelets are gorgeous." Caroline flattered.

That caught Angela's attention. "Mom, dad, isn't that the antique bracelet belonging to ancient king and queen of England that you were trying to find for so many years? You finally found it?" Angela asked.

"Actually Anna found it. She gifted it to us as an early wedding anniversary gift." Mr Parish chuckled.

That got everyone's attention on the table. "She did? How?" Angela asked shocked.

"She said because she knew right people." Mrs Parish said and chuckled.

"But how was she even able to buy something this costly? I'm sure it doesn't cost anything less than a billion and she's just starting her new career. Mom dad, you shouldn't have accepted it. The poor girl is working so hard. Let her enjoy herself right now. She doesn't need a freaking gift to show her love. We all know how much she loves us." Angela chided her parents.

"Says the woman who hasn't met her own sister for years despite being the same city." Astrid taunted.

"I do not need an outsider's lecture on how to be with my sister." Angela shot back.

"I'm not an outsider. I'm your sister-in-law and your sister's best friend. I consider you as a sister too Angie. That's why I always keep poking. Anna doesn't ask anymore why you're not present for any of her gatherings and celebration. But her eyes dim every time you're not present. When she gifted this to mom and dad, no one could deny her disappointment to see you were not present. I lecture you because I know you care. I just don't understand why you avoid her so much." Astrid finished her rant and looked at Angie with a wronged expression.

Angela looked away, ashamed of her behavior. What can she say? That it's because she can't. That because most of the time she needs to work her ass off to get half the recognition than anyone else. Because she's frustrated. She doesn't want her little sister who always adored her to see her like this because she knew, the moment she saw her, Anna will know exactly the turmoil Angie is going through. No, she wouldn't appear so weak in front of her family. She'll bare it herself.

Angie left the dinner and rushed off, not wanting anyone to see her pain. Astrid too stood up and left. She didn't have anything against Angie. It's just she couldn't see her family divided. She considered both Anna and Angie as her sisters. Anna was her best friend even before this marriage and had done alot for her without asking anything in return.

Oli went after Astrid, knowing full well how much she hated fighting with Angie. He hugged her from behind and she leaned on him. "I just want them together. I just want my family united. Why can't Angie see things clearly."

"My love, Angie and Anna has more love between them than you can imagine. I don't know what happened, but she will come around. We just need to let it be." Oli consoled.

"You know very well sweetheart, I don't let things be. I never did and I never will." Astrid replied.

Oli chuckled. "How could I forget? Wasn't that the very reason for our painful first year of marriage?" He replied.

Astrid looked away remembering her foolish stubbornness that caused so much problem to Oli. "You didn't have to bring that up." She huffed.

Oli shook his head at his wife's cuteness. "Let's go. I asked my leave from everyone inside already. I don't want to stay in this stinky house anymore."

Astrid agreed as it was giving her nausea as well. They left to their condo and soon behind them followed Adriana and Samuel.

"Dad, that black sheep of the family gave such a costly gift to her family. How?" Aden asked.

"It's obvious that bitch wants to suck up to her parents." Mrs Collins sneered.

"But how did she get so much money?" Caroline asked.

"She might have taken a loan or something." Mr Collins said as a nasty plan developed in his brain.

This was an amazing opportunity to get that black sheep out of the picture.

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