BNHA Part 6

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Midnight:So it's finally over,lets check the results!

Midoriya's 1st place,Aeden 2nd place,Bakugo 3rd Place,Todoroki 4th,and Clyde was placed in 6th place.

Aeden:Huh,where's Clyde right now?

Aeden look around and see Clyde panting heavily. Aeden comes up to him.

Clyde:*heavily pants* Oh,hey. (wheezes) Aeden,how're you doin'? | Aeden:Doing okay,actually have quite a lot of energy left in me. | Clyde:How?! | Aeden:Lots of running around my home-town. | Clyde:*slowly recovers* Jeez,I need more training than I realize.

Midnight:The top 42 from this qualifying round will move on!! But for those who placed lower,don't worry! We've got another way for you to show your stuff!! And now the main selection really begins!! The press corp's going to be jumping out of their seats,so give it all you've got!

The horns blare loudly as Midnight announces the next event.

Midnight:Now to the second event!! I already know what is is,of course...Dying in suspense?! Next up is...This!!

A screen appears behind her and says "Cavalry Battle"

Denki/Mineta:Calvary battle...! | Asui:So we're teaming up,but how exactly?

Midnight:Participants will,on their own,form teams of two to four members each and get into a horse-and-rider formation! The rules are fundamentally the same as those of an ordinary cavalry battle--sang your opponents' headbands while guarding your own--but with one exception. Each of you has been assigned a point value based on your ranking in the last event.

Sato:We'll earn points like in the entrance exam? Sounds simple. | Clyde:So I'm guessing that the point of value of each team depends on its members... | Midnight:I'm about to explain it,so just shut up already!!

Midnight:Anyway,yes!! And your individual point values start at five,at the bottom! Our first place participant is worth TEN MILLION POINTS!!

Midoriya:ᵀᵉⁿ ᵐᶦˡˡᶦᵒⁿˀ

Midnight:The higher-ranked students are the ones to aim for...

Everyone then stare at Midoriya,while I was both surprised and felt guilty that I unintentionally made him everyone's target.

Midnight:As you must have heard countless times since enrolling at U.A,this is...Plus Ultra!

Midnight:After taking first place in the qualifiers,Izuku Midoriya has got ten million points!! The match will last 15 minutes,each team's points are determined by its members. The rider will wear a headband displaying the total number of points,until the match ends,you'll all compete to grab each other's opints and maintain the ones you have.

Midnight:Any head-bands you grab must be worn around the neck or higher,but the more headbands you've got,the harder they'll be to manage! Most importantly,even if you're headband is taken,and even if your horse formation is broken,it's not over 'til it's over!

Momo:That means... | Aeden:With 42 contestants,there'll be 10 to 12 teams on the field the whole time. | Yuga:How tiresome.

Midnight:Quirks are allowed,so it'll be a brutal battle! However,it's still a cavalry battle!! Maliciously attacking another team with the intent of making them fall will get you a red card,and that means you're out of the game! You've got 15 minutes to form your teams!

Everyone:15 minutes?!

After that,pretty much everyone ganged up on either me or Bakugo since our quirks are versatile in both mobility and offense.

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