BNHA Part 16

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I wake up to see darkness. I activate my quirk and see the beige-colored ceiling. I slowly sit up and feel the dull pain go through my body.

Recovery Girl:You shouldn't push yourself after dealing with Mr. Jack. You got some burns that you need to heal,so I suggest to not waste your energy now. 

I nod and tightened my blindfold.

Aeden:Anything I should worry about? | Recovery Girl:Oh,nothing at all. You can get up and join with the others if you want! | Aeden:That sounds good.

I get up and off the hospital bed. Pain go through my body,but I can tolerate it.

Announcer:Team Jiro and Koda has passed the exam!

Isn't that the match after our fight with Jack? Then I guess I wasn't out for long.

Aeden:*gets out of the temporary office* They passed? Good for them! | Midoriya:Aeden,you're awake! | Asui:How are you? Those burns look nasty. | Aeden:I'm good. They still hurt,but I can deal with it. | Momo:You should rest more,Aeden! | Aeden:It's okay,Momo.

I make a small cone of my quirk and look at the screen so I can see who's next. It seems the match between Hagakure and Shoji versus Snipe was already going on as we talk. They also seem to be in the same area where we fought Jack.

Hagakure:Shoji! At this rate we'll be trapped here forever! | Shoji:Don't worry,he's only one man. Still,escaping will be a hurdle to jump. The only advantage is that our opponents movements are slowed by those weights.

Snipe:Now,why don't we see who's better at hide and seek.

He throws down a smoke bomb.

Shoji:A smoke bomb? He's trying to blind us! But at least it's going to affect his vision at the same time. | Snipe:I can still sense your presence,hero.

Snipe fires a couple shots as he walks through the smoke,to which the bullets hit where Shoji is.

Aeden:This looks familar. | Clyde:Tell me about it.

The pillar Shoji and Hagakure was behind cracked from Snipe's shots,so Shoji quickly ran to the next pillar through the smoke as Hagakure is nowhere to be seen.

Shoji:You alright,Hagakure? (he looks around as there was no response from her) Hagakure?!

He looks back at the pillar he was previously taking cover and see Hagakure's gloves and boots on the ground.

Shoji:So that's what she's doing... (Shoji runs into the smoke cloud as Snipe aims his gun at him) | Snipe:Don't be rash,kid!

Snipe fires a line of bullets right at Shoji's feet as he stops in his tracks. He gets closer to Shoji and reveals himself while he's still pointing his revolver at him. Shoji raises his multiple arms in surrender.

Snipe:Aren't you giving up a little too easy for a hero? (a handcuff came out of nowhere and wrapped itself around Snipe's hand) | Hagakure:There! I got him! | Snipe:Where did you--!? | Hagakure:Mr. Snipe,you pervert!!! | Snipe:*waving his other hand frantically* Hey! I couldn't see ya! I didn't do it on purpose! I promise! Forgive me!

Clyde:What happened? | Aeden:I dunno,can't see because of the smoke. | Clyde:All I see is Snipe waving his hand frantically. I can't read any of their lips.

Announcer:Team Hagakure and Shoji has passed the exam!

Momo:It's just as I expected! Hagakure's the best there is at stealth ops! | Midoriya:And Shoji had the guts to face Mr. Snipe head on,and be their distraction!

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