BNHA Part 33

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Student:I'll redress when my mission's complete!

She charges toward Midoriya,but Clyde stepped in and blocked her swipe with his gauntlets. The girl immediately backed away,then charges toward them again. She stopped in mid-air as three lines of tape blocked her next attack.


Sero:Midoriya! What an enviable situation your in! | Midoriya:Sero! | Sero:Uraraka! | Uraraka:*jumps high into the air* Release!

She came back down and attempts to land a hit on the girl,but she backpedals and backflips onto some high ground.

Student:*sits down* And here things were getting good. Too bad...I really...really...wanted to talk to you some more,but not with so many people around. What a bummer. Ochako Uraraka. He really trust you a lot,you know? (she turns and jumps away) | 

Sero:Come back naked girl! | Midoriya:Don't follow her! | Sero:Man,why not!? | Midoriya:It might've just been her quirk,but it looks like she wasn't wearing her clothes of her target's. There's still a chance she might be after us,but think about it,there isn't much time left! And it would be hard to get a point off of her.

Midoriya:Also,you two are actually you,right? | Uraraka:Huh? | Sero:What are you talking about? | Clyde:The girl earlier transformed into Uraraka. | Sero:*shaking Midoriya* Was she naked too,Midoriya!? | Midoriya:That's what your concerned about!? Of course not,she got a costume on!

Sero:So that hotty's quirk is to transform into other people,weird. | Midoriya:I think so. | Clyde:Let's not underestimate what the other schools have learned about us. They even seem to know that you and Uraraka are really good friends. | Midoriya:Probably because we're in the same cavalry battle team on the Sports Festival. | Uraraka:Yeah,that must be why.

Midoriya:Anyway,how'd you guys find us? That was perfect timing! | Sero:I just saw a fight and rushed over to help. We ran into each other along the way. | Uraraka:I'm glad we got to help! | Midoriya:Yeah me too! | Uraraka:So we're a quartet from now. What next? | Sero:I wish we can meet up with the rest of the class. We're way safer in numbers. | Midoriya:That's true,but thirty people have already passed this test so far. We have to hurry,if we're gonna pass,we gotta earn some points.

Marrow:Let's see where we at now. Things has been moving a lot more quickly,looks like 52,make that 53 at best. And looking at the other side of things,it seems 230 examinees has failed. Less than half the sponsor opened! Now's the time to move! Don't doubt it kids!


???:Miss Sai,we'll soon have company. I confirmed 5 UA students has entered the building. | Saiko:Let's have a look at the video. | ???:Certainly.

The girl opened one of her eyes,and a holographic-like video appeared from it. From the feed,Shoji,Jiro,Tsuyu,Aeden,and Momo are seen walking toward a direction.

Saiko:Arm duplication,a sound wave manipulator,a frog,a telekinetic,and a quirk that allows you to make things.

Saiko closes her eyes and concentrate,suddenly,math calculations and predictions were easily formed thanks to Saiko's unique quirk,IQ.

Saiko:Hmph,it seems that our prey has been decided. Please gather the other ladies. | ???:Yes,Miss Sai.

The formula for my success is flawless. What an excellent day for an exam.


Marrow:So far,56 people has passed. Don't panic,but do consider that time is almost up. Good luck.

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