BNHA Part 24

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Mr. Vlad King was able to call emergency services,and not too long after the villains left,ambulances and fire fighters arrived. Of the 40 students,fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas. Thirteen were injured,another thirteen were unharmed physically, of us is missing...One of the six pro heroes is in serious condition because of a blow to the head. One was missing,but it was apparent that she lost a lot of blood.

Meanwhile on the villain side,three were caught and arrested. The other attackers managed to disappear without a trace thanks to the warp villain. As I felt myself fading into unconsciousness,I remember the harrowing words Tomura Shigaraki said to me.

Shigaraki:You should try to be careful friend,'cause the next time we meet,I'll likely have to kill you...

The summer training camp we've all been looking forward to,couldn't have been more of a disaster...


It is the next day after little one has come back home after the training camp disaster. She would love to continue spend time with her little one,but Principal Nezu has asked me to come to a meeting at the school.

Principal Nezu:That training camp was meant to prepare students to handle villain attacks. The irony is shameful...We knew the League would resurface,but we lack the fundamental understanding of their plans. They aim to destroy hero society,and they've already started war.

Midnight:Even if we had understood,could we really have avoided this attack? They're moving pieces we didn't know they possessed. Besides,All Might put an end to most organized crime,we're all rusty.

Present Mic:We've definitely gotten complacent during peaceful times without realizing it. I guess deep down,all of us thought that we'd been riding the sweet life for good. | All Might:*true form* I will never forgive myself for such cowardly ignorance,while our students were fighting desperately for their lives,I was just...having a relaxing soak in the bath...

Snipe:We shouldn't have the Sport Festival right after the USJ attack. We only wanted to show that we're still strong. To have a student kidnapped is our greatest failure as teachers,they've taken Bakugo AND society's faith from us.

Principal Nezu:I agree,every news outlet is currently condemning UA High. If Bakugo was one of the main targets,it's likely because the villains noticed his violent tendencies during the Sports Festival broadcast. If he ends up joining the side of the villains,that will be the end of UA as a school.

Present Mic:Since we're on the topic of trust,I think there is something that has to be voiced now. At this point,we can't deny it anymore,can we? There's a traitor at this school. 

Present Mic:Only the teachers and the Pussycats knew where the training camp would be,including Draco. Don't you think it's a little suspicious? I guess a kid could've used their phone to message a villain,but-- | Midnight:Stop this,Mic! | Present Mic:What's the problem?! We have to find who the little leak is! | Snipe:Could be you,for all we know. You got any proof that you're a hundred percent innocent? Can we know that everyone of us is an ally?

Jack:If we start doubting each other,we'll all destroy ourselves from the inside. Accusing a traitor shouldn't be taken lightly. | Principal Nezu:At the very least,I trust everyone sitting at this table,though,there's also no way for me to prove all of you that I am innocent.

Principal Nezu:For the moment,what we must do as a school is concentrate on guaranteeing the safety of our student body. This is a good time to implement something I've want to put in place for a while. You see,I-- | ???:A phone call is here! A phone call is here! | All Might:*stands up* Excuse me everyone. I have to take this. | Present Mic:We're in a meeting! At least set it to vibrate! | Midnight:He's his own ringtone? | Neeko:*giggles* I know,right?

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