BNHA Part 50

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Draco deflects a couple punches and counter attacks the Towering Yakuza member while we all push through the lesser Yakuza members.

Yakuza Member:Get the hell out of here! | Yakuza Member:Yeah,what do you want with us anyway?! | Police Officer:You heard him! We have a warrant! | Hero:*defends himself* Everyone,please calm down! | Hero:Clear a path! Consider the consequences before you resist! | Hero:They're going to cut the whole organization just to buy some time? | Hero:Just leave the ones out here to us! You go inside!

Nighteye:Good luck! | Fat Gum:Hate to barge in like this,but,we're kinda in a hurry!

Fat Gum:Haven't seen any signs of suspicious activity yet! | Rock Lock:Yeah bro,same here,but hey,we're in it now right? We got no choice but to see it through. | Suneater:Is it possible someone leaked our plans for the raid? There must be a reason why they all came pouring out like that. | Clyde:No,if there had been a leak,they would be fighting more cohesively. Yakuza groups excel at working together.

Eraser Head:There's nothing more that matters other than the bond between their boss and their brothers. Being part of the underworld only makes loyalty that much more sacred to them. All those people outside,but he haven't caught sight of the top brass yet. They're probably underground,hiding,getting ready to flee.

Red Riot:How is that suppose to be loyalty?! Forcing their henchmen to fight for them while they run away isn't manly at all!

We continued running before Nighteye stopped to a potted plant.

Nighteye:This is it. There is a device here that opens a hidden passage. (he moves the plant to the side) He pressed down the floor boards in a specific pattern,and then...! (a click was heard before the wall starts moving,revealing a secret passage) | Bubble Girl:It's like a ninja hideout! How cool! | Centipeder:Thank goodness for your quirk Sir. Guards up. We don't know what might be facing in there.

An arm from the other side gripped the moving wall,and we all took a step back.

Yakuzaz Member:Let's get that bastard!

Centipeder:Bubble Girl! You handle the third!

His arms turn into centipede like limbs and grabbed two of the three Yakuza members that emerged from the hidden passage,rendering them useless. The third member thrusts his dagger to Bubble Girl,but she dodged the attack and released a bubble,to which popped over his eyes.

Yakuza Member:Ah my eyes! | Bubble Girl:*grabs his arms and pushed him to the ground* Sorry!

Bubble Girl:We'll make sure these guys don't follow! You go on ahead! | Nighteye:You heard her! | Bubble Girl:We'll catch up when we can!

We all run down the steps and into long concrete halls.

Nighteye:We're almost there! Hurry! | Police Chief:It looks like a dead end! So,what now? | Rock Lock:So much for your Foresight,Nighteye! | Lemillion:Hold on,lemme go take a lool. | Red Riot:Lemillion! If you go through,you'll be naked! | Amajiki:*Mirio runs to the wall* It's ok. Mirio's costume was constructed from a special fiber made of his own hair. It's designed so it becomes permeable when he activates his quirk.

Mirio:The hallway's just been blocked with this wall. Unfortunately,breaking through is not gonna be easy. | Rock Lock:I knew this Chisaki guy could tear crap apart and put it back together,but damn. | Fat Gum:It was just a cheap trick! | Deku:If he did this,that gotta mean we're on the right track! | Kirishima:Yeah you're right! | Clyde:*summons Yin* Then he's a fool thinking that a simple wall will stop us!

Kirishima activates his Hardening as Clyde goes into a martial arts stance with white flames jumping around his gauntlets.

One for All: Full Cowling! Shoot Style!

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