BNHA Part 37

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Bakugo:We need to have a talk about your quirk.


30 minutes went by,and everyone was in bed,sleeping in their rooms. Meanwhile,Bakugo and Midoriya is outside,walking to a certain area as they were quite distant from each other.

Midoriya:Kacchan,how far are we going? We shouldn't be walking around in the middle of the night. (all he got was silence from Bakugo) Hello?

Midoriya then stayed silent until they reach their destination,Ground Beta.

Midoriya:You brought us to Ground Beta? | Bakugo:This is the place where we had our first combat training,where I fought you and lost. You've always made me sick,you know that right,Deku?

Somehow I knew,this was it.

Bakugo:You were useless,no power at all,a joke. So now you're gonna tell me how you manage to get to this damn school with a brand new quirk that appeared out of nowhere.

Midoriya:I wasn't hiding my quirk from you,it was given to me by someone else. Recently...I'll work until I have full control of this borrowed quirk,and I'll finally beat you with my own power!

Bakugo:I didn't understand what you meant back then,because what you're saying didn't made sense. But still,you kept climbing higher and higher,looking so satisfied with yourself. Ever since that sludge villain,no,it actually started when All Might came to town. Better and better,until finally you passed the licensing exam while I failed. How the hell is that even possible?

Midoriya:That wasn't a matter of ability though-- | BakugoShut up and listen,you damn nerd! | Midoriya:Sorry... | Bakugo:It pissed me off that I've been beaten by such a pathetic weakling,but after seeing what happened to All Might at Kamino Ward,I began to understand.

Bakugo:It looks like you made that borrowed power your own.

(gulps) Here goes...

Bakugo:*turns his head to him* I've been giving it a lot of thought. You got your quirk from All Might,didn't you? He gave you his power. (Midoriya's body stiffens,his breath starts to shake) I heard about the boss villain. Apparently,he has the ability to steal a person's quirk and give it to somebody else,which sounds kinda crazy,but then one of those old cat ladies had her power taken from her and can't work anymore. (turns his body to Midoriya) And then you met All Might,and you started changing,then he lost his power and had to retire,just like her. I remember what he said after he beat the Big Bad. We all heard it.

All Might:Now,it's your turn...

Bakugo:You were the only one who understood what he meant. There's more evidence too,like how those Nomu monsters have multiple quirks,even though it seemed impossible. Besides...

All for One:You've gotten weaker,All Might. | All Might:I'll make certain you're locked up for the rest of your life!

Bakugo:All Might and that boss villain knew each other,before that fight. Quirks can move from one person to another,All Might knew the guy that could do it,and somehow it's all connected to what you said about getting a quirk from someone else. (Sweat is dripping down Midoriya's face) I asked All Might about this in a way,but he wouldn't give me a straight answer. That's why you're gonna tell me the truth.

All Might:Don't look so sad,he didn't take you so seriously,so I don't think he'll say anything. This time I'll let things slide. Just make sure this doesn't happen again.

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