Vol. 6

970 58 42

T.W.: mention of death and torture

Patton and Logan took in the mysterious boy. After their current boys, one more couldn't be any harder. Right?

~~Present day ~~

Remus woke up in a strange room. He stood from the soft been wondering where he was.

The door opened and a young boy walked in with a cup in his hand.

"Who are you?" Remus asked.

The boy sipped his drink, adjusting the sunglasses on his nose, "Remy. Who are you?"

"I'm Remus." The boy gave a short bow, "where am I?"

"In my family's house." Remy responded, "You tried to kill my Dad."

Anger flashed through Remus' eyes, "where is he."

"Why do you want to kill him." Remy asked.

"He killed Deceit!" Remus roared.

Remy flinched and set down his drink, staring at the floor.

"Deceit was a monster."

"How dare you!" Remus shouted, spreading his wings threateningly, "Deceit was the one who took me in after my brother died! I was alone and he saved me!"

"Deceit tortured me and my brothers our entire lives!" Remy snapped back.

Remus took a step back.

Remy sighed, "Deceit wouldn't let me sleep for weeks at a time. He wouldn't feed me and used me for petty crimes. He wouldn't let my oldest brother speak and now he's selectively mute. My other brother was a decorative plaything for Deceit and his wings are permanently damaged from multiple things that monster has done."

"I... I didn't know." Remus whispered, "Deceit was like a father to me. He fed me and trained me and my powers. He comforted me when I would get sad about my brother."

"What was your brothers name?" Remy asked.

"Roman." Remus whispered.

Something clicked in Remy's mind, "Shit."

"What?" Remus snapped.

"Um, well, your brother might still be alive." Remy said, "and kinda, sorta... downstairs?"

Remus paused, "What!?"

"My brother, Roman, he has the same powers you do." Remy explained, "the wings and shapeshifting."

"There's no way." Remus shook his head, "he's dead! He can't be here he's dead!"

Remus clutched his head, everything started to tune out. Remy was by his side saying something he couldn't hear. The younger boy raised his hand, his eyes glowing silver behind his glasses, and Remus fell to the ground in a deep sleep.

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