Chapter 51

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I watched Tomisin glare at Juwon for the hundredth time and rolled my eyes.

He sat next to me on the couch in my living room and Juwon sat on the one opposite me, looking a bit nervous.

Who could blame him?

When Tomi had been shooting daggers at him all day.

"Juwon," I started gently, "do you need anything to drink?"

Juwon shook his head, "I'm good Kay, thank you."

I shook my head, "no I insist , let me get you something."

I stood up and looked back at Tomi, "Tomi, do you want a drink also?"
He nodded his head all the while never breaking his gaze from Juwon, "yeah, coke would be nice."

I stood and waited on him.

Realizing that I hadn't moved an inch he looked at me, "Thank you?"

"Come on will you come and get it yourself." I said to him as I walked into the kitchen.

I waited until he walked into the kitchen, then hit him on his shoulder.

"Ow!" He exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Stop glaring at Juwon." I said my voice low for fear of Juwon eavesdropping.

"Well, I won't have to glare at him, if he just minded his business, instead of opening his mouth the first chance he gets. I mean can't he respect the fact that you're my girlfriend and you should hear some shit first from me." He said his voice equally as low as mine.

"Well maybe if you had told me earlier maybe we won't be having this conversation. And what are you thinking missing your SATs and what is this I hear about a gap year?" I asked, confusion clear in my tone.

"I'm just not ready to go to university yet, plus I don't want to school abroad, I'm okay here."

"You want to school in Nigeria?" I asked bewildered, "why on earth would you want that?"

He shrugged, "Well you're staying in Nigeria, I don't mind being in the same school as you, in the same as year as you."

I held my fingers to my temple, "so let me get this straight, you deliberately want to go through a shitty educational system when you have the choice for something better, and at the same time sit at home for a year, because of me?"

He grinned, "cute abi?"

I slapped his shoulder again, "No! It's rather stupid. These kind of decisions should be made because of valid reasons not because of some girl."

He pulled me close to him, his hands coming around my waist, "but you're not some girl, you're the girl."

I pushed him away, "No! You will not cute your way out of this."

He threw his hands up in exasperation and leaned against the kitchen counter, "so what do you want me to say right now, what do you want me to do ?"

"I want you to do what you want to do, it's your life, you should have the final say." I retorted just as exasperated.

"Well, why can't you have it, everything I do I have you in mind anyway." He grumbled.

I stared at him in shock, "don't say things like that Tomi, that's actually worrisome."

He gave her a confused look, "How, don't you have in me mind?"

I shook my head, "I do , but if I was given an opportunity to school abroad and you were in Nigeria I'd take it in an instant, not because I don't adore you, but because this is my future. I have to pay attention to that."

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