Chapter 54

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The days flew by like a bird.
Peaceful and calm.

Tomi at my behest, put more seriousness into preparations for his exams which were right around the corner.

Nessa, Juwon and I had become closer, and I began to hover around Nessa like a mother aching to protect her young. Her eyes were still a bit broken but slowly she was getting better.

The girls, Dayo and the crew had forgiven me, but still kept Nessa at a distance. According to Michelle, "they just didn't trust her anymore."

I had slowly began to feel like everything was back to normal. At least a certain level of normalcy.

One of the best things about being an acting prefect was the fact most of my friends were prefects as well, which included, Nessa, Juwon, Oluchi, Michelle and Ini.

Dayo however wasn't interested.
Each of was paired with a prefect, and naturally i was paired with Moyin.

Juwon however was paired with Tomi, much to Tomi's dismay.
Tomi exams were just around the corner, so seeing him was getting harder.
But he always found a way to make it work.

After what felt like the worst had past, it felt like life was ready to be calm again.

I was helping my mom in the kitchen after school one day, when I remembered something.

"Mummy why didn't you ever tell me that it was Tomisin's father that owns the firm, that gave me the scholarship."

I was too busy plucking the leaf we would use for the soup we were about to make to notice how my mother stilled beside me.

"What?" She asked

I looked at her and the finally noticed her face.
She looked like she just saw a ghost.

She shook her head, "No the man that owns the  firm is Adewumi Adebola, isn't Tomi's name Adekunle."

I paused what I was doing and studied her, trying to understand her reaction.
"Tomisin took his mothers surname, but that's his father for sure. I've met him before." I explained.

My mother stared at me for a few seconds then she fell to the ground.

I screamed in horror as she laid down on the floor.

Falling to my knees beside her, I shook her shoulders. "Mummy!" I screamed.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me.
I blinked immediately in shock, "mummy are you okay? Should I call daddy? Should I call the doctor." I asked frantically.

She sat up and then suddenly began to cry.

I leaned back and watched, helpless in the face of her grief.

"Please mummy what's wrong?" I asked softly.

"This child will not kill me!" My mother cried.
My father who must have heard her from upstairs, rushed into the kitchen and on seeing her cry on the floor, he shot me a questioning look.

I shrugged.

He slowly begged and got her to calm down, gently lifting her from the floor.

She looked at my father as soon as she stood up, she whispered, "Tomisin is Adebola's son. I'm so sorry, Yomi I'm so sorry I didn't know." She chanted.

When my father's features also changed to that of pained shock, my heart began to pound.

Something was wrong.

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