Is That A Muzzle..? Kinky...

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I sit in the backseat of Tony's sports car, pouting like a child. He looks up at me through his rear view mirror.

"What could be wrong now, you just helped fight against a giant space army- - granted I did most of the work, you know, flying through enemy lines in order to end it, risking my life. But you helped kid." He said. I gave him my best withering stare.

"Yeah and that's great. We beat the bad guys, but why do we have to see them off?"

"Well, you see-"

"Hey! Remember when you mentioned that shawarma place? Well, I checked, and we didn't destroy the building in the fight. How bout' instead, we go on mosey over there so I never have to see that greasy faced bastard again?" I jump up and down in my seat, liking my own idea. Stark chuckles with a shake of his head.

"Sorry kiddo, no can do. Part of being a hero is making sure the bad guys actually get sent away." He says with inferiority, making me scoff.

"Please... You think you can make sure Loki gets to Asgard better then his own brother? Who's quite literally a god." I start yelling over the wind as Tony speeds up.

"Want to know what I really think?" He asks.

"Not really but I feel like your gonna tell me anyway!" I continue to yell over the wind, my hair whipping around me. I barley manage to see Tony nod through the hair in my face.

"I think, you need to be quiet and let the adults handle this." Tony finally yells.

"You do know I can legally drink right?" I yell back but it's almost instantly silenced as he revs his engine, moving full speed ahead to where 'the avengers' were all gathered to see our good friend Loki off.

Tony and I eventually get there as he pulls his car off to the side of the road. I sit completely still, fearful of the rats nest that is surely on top of my head right now. I groan and get out of the car, walking along side Tony as he holds the suitcase that holds the tesseract.

I hear a loud, obnoxious, and slightly high pitched laugh from down the road. I look over at Clint who's still laughing.

"Nice hair!" He yells over to me. I hear Tony snort but am pleasantly surprised he hasn't said anything about it. I wave over at Clint.

"I could say the same!" I yell back. I can faintly see Natasha smirk as Clint's hand immediately moves over to check his hair.

My eyes move to focus Loki and Thor. Loki in chains and a muzzle? Is that what those things are called? Like the things for dogs.

We all watch as a van drives up to the middle of the road. Erik hops out from the front seat, keeping his weary and determined eyes on Loki as he makes his way to the back of the truck. I keep my eyes on Loki, one thought on my mind.

'He's totally smirking underneath that muzzle right now.'

Erik turns his back on us as he opens the back van door to reveal the holding block that will be used to transport Thor and Loki back to Asgard. Erik picks up the block and makes his way over to Tony and I.

"This is our part. Act serious and be professional." Stark whispers. I nod how I imagine a soldier would. Tony and I bend down and carefully place the case on the sidewalk floor. I can feel my face scrunch in concentration though I'm not doing anything while Tony opens it.

"What are you doing?" Bruce asks. I look over to see him bent down next to me while Tony somehow got behind him.

"I don't know. All I know is that I can't stop." Bruce chuckles in amusement before Erik places some tool that looks like one of those grabby things you use when things are too far away. We all turn our focus back on the glowing blue tesseract.

"Wow... shiny." I say in awe. Bruce nods in agreement before using the tool to pick up the tesseract.

"Can I touch it?" I whisper.

"No!" Tony scolds. He pushes me by the shoulder back away from it.

"What did I say about seriousness?" He starts whispering again.

"I don't remember." I reply shortly. I hear him sigh but don't find it in me to care as I watch Bruce place the tesseract into the chamber.

Erik walks over to Thor with the chamber as they say goodbye and thank each other. While they talk and everyone watches them. I sneak over, sauntering if you will, to my new enemy.

I head over to Loki. His eyes slowly turn into slits as he looks down on me. I smirk and look him up and down. Feeling confident in his confinement, I walk up close to him and flick his face thing.

"Is that a muzzle..?" We both look down at the metal covering his mouth. "Kinky..." I smirk again. Loki's gaze flickers over to Thor and Erik. I follow his line of sight.

"Do you wish you had friends as well?" I ask, turning back to look at him. "I would be your friend if you weren't, ya know, evil." I joke. Natasha and Clint smirk. Natasha leans over and whispers something in Clint's ear. Whatever she said made him practically smile ear to ear. I notice out of the corner of my eye- Thor. I walk over to them.

"You're gonna tell me what you said later right?" I ask.

"Oh definitely." She speaks lowly.

We watch with a smugness that only the likes of Tony seem to know as Thor holds out the other handle for Loki to hold onto. Loki grabs it, jerking it over to him which I thought seemed kind of rude. Thor turns his handle and the brothers almost instantly evaporate into blue as it heads towards the sky. We all seem to step back at the same time, careful not to get caught up in it. I don't think any of us could make it on Asgard.

We all stand around the area that once stood Thor and Loki and for the first time in weeks, I feel like I can breath again. I watch Tony as he jerks back in surprise, looking around the area until he spots me.

"Hey! Ray, get over here!" He yells. I shrug and walk over to him.

We stand by his car as Steve walks over to us.

"Oh, god, his outfit." I say quietly. Tony ignores me and moves forward to shake his hand.

Everyone starts getting situated to leave and I am pleasantly surprised when Bruce walks over to the car with what looks like an overnight bag... or possibly it's everything he owns. He smiles at us, looking like a teenager about to go to their first sleepover. The two men open their doors and sit down, Bruce keeping it open so I can get into the back. I send him a wink before hurtling over the side of the car and into the back.

I can almost feel Tony roll his eyes at me as he starts his car, immediately driving off.

I feel the breeze whip around me, possibly making my hair worse. I take a deep breath in and laugh in glee realizing that- -

I, Rayna Beauhart, have finally defeated my first bad guy!

Hi! Just so you know, this ^ plus the next two chapters are going to be shorter than the rest of the chapters maybe, I don't know bc I don't want this to be a short story...The next few chapters might also be slow. These chapters lead up to the exciting part so please stick with me! :)

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now