Please, Loki! Are You Alright?!

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We ride until we get to what Frigga informed me was the bifrost: a tool used to get to other worlds, such as earth, Asgard, others, but right now, most importantly, Jotunheim.

We all stop our horses upon seeing a single man sanding in front of the sphere-shaped building with a point sticking from the stop. The dark-skinned man was wearing all gold, holding a very large sword, and you could see his gorgeous yellow/orange eyes from where we stood. We got off our horses and walked up to him.

Loki rushed to the front.

"You leave this to me." Loki says. I stand next to Thor as everyone besides Loki stays back.

"Good Heimdall-" Loki begins.

"You are not dressed warmly enough." Heimdall interrupts.

"Oh yes, let me go get my fur coat." I mutter, being the only one, I believe, to know what a fur coat is. Heimdall's lip quirks.

"Excuse me?" Loki asks, thankfully my comment going un-noticed.

"Do you think that you can deceive me?" Heimdall asks.

"You must be mistaken." Loki laughs nervously.

"Enough!" Thor yells, stepping in front of Loki, as he looks down at the ground.

"Heimdall, May we pass?" Thor asks.

"Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened." Heimdall admits. I look away awkwardly as I technically slipped his watch. Maybe he didn't know?

But as his gaze loomed over to me, I realized he was merely keeping my secret. I subtly nod in appreciation.

"Then tell no one where we have gone until we've returned. Understand?" Thor says with authority before storming into the bifrost room. His friends begin to follow. Loki, does not move. I walk up and slip my hand in his.

"What happened? Silver tongue turn to lead?" Volstagg asks with a laugh.

"If you want to keep yours for all that eating you do, I would keep my thoughts to myself." I growl.

We all gather into the room. The seven of us stand in the entrance, the sound of Heimdall's sword the only noise in the room. The sphere begins to move frantically before shooting out a beam.

"Be warned. I will honor my sworn oath to protect this realm as its gatekeeper.  If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed to you and you'll be left to die in the cold waste of Jotunheim." Heimdall warns.

"Sounds pleasant." I say. Volstagg looks at me like I'm insane.

"Couldn't you just leave the bridge open to us?" He asks.

"To leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the bifrost and destroy Jotunheim with you upon it." Heimdall explains.

"So... that's a no then?" I ask. Thor laughs.

"I have no plans to die today." Thor says.

"None Do." Heimdall says, making me remember when Odin threatened to kill me. Oh, good times. Heimdall pushes the sword in as we all get sucked into the bifrost.

Colors meshing together in a blur of color and confusion. The similarity, the feeling of being pushed and tugged, the colors all seeming very familiar.

We eventually get spit out of the bifrost, landing harshly on the ground. I groan from the pain of landing badly. There is definitely going to be more bruises... Loki, seeing my difficulties, holds out a hand and helps me up.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now