And Bringing War To Asgard Will Not?!

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Thor soon after, stomps towards the exit. Loki immediately grabs my hand and drags me along with him.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"Making sure he's alright." Loki explains, keeping his eye on his brother. I smile lightly. Maybe he is getting better...

We follow Thor throughout the halls when a thought comes to mind.

"Loki... why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you state your opinion? Your father wanted you to come, he must have wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter." I try and explain. Loki rolls his eyes.

"I don't know why he asked me to come. I've offered my thoughts and they only get dismissed; it's better to let them handle the argument. Then I exterminate the fire..." Loki trails off, sounding more and more dejected with every word.

I sigh, going to open my mouth and argue when he sends me a warning look, basically telling me that this isn't my problem and to not make it my problem.

We suddenly look around and realize we've seemed to have lost Thor...

"Where did he go now?" Loki whispered, glancing down the hallways open to us.

"Wait, What did you mean by exterminate fires?" I ask, but get my answer almost immediately as a loud yell could be heard, probably through the whole castle. Loki and I look at each other before following the noise.

We stop at the archway of another dining area, just as golden as the rest of the castle as Thor screams again, slowly throwing the table over and making all the perfectly good food go to waste. Thor sighs and starts climbing the few steps surrounding the whole room before he sits on them.

Loki and I walk over, circling one of the columns. Thor glances at us before looking back off into space.

"It's unwise to be in my company right now brother. I also do not wish the lady Rayna to see me like this." Thor states.

"Who said I was wise." Loki says, sitting next to him as I seat myself next to Loki. I then realize Loki took his helmet off some time ago.

"This was to be my day of triumph." Thor says after a moment.

"It'll come. In time." Loki says softly. We share a moment of quietness before the doors burst open, Thor's friends walking in.

"Redecorating are we?" Sif asks.

"What's this?" Volstagg asks. They all walk in and start gathering around, Volstagg going for the food.

"I told you. They cancelled it." Hogun said.

"We thought you were just being your normal and cheery self." Fandral says.

"All this food. So innocent, I- I just cast across the ground... breaks the heart." Volstagg expresses. I bite back a laugh. Loki bends closer to Thor.

"If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defenses once, who's to say they won't try again? Next time with an army." Loki seems to be... egging him on.

"Exactly." Thor says.

"Loki please. Stop." I whisper. He looks down at me for a moment.

"But... There's nothing you can do without defying father." Loki says, looking at Thor with a grave look. I almost sag in relief. I look back at Thor just as a flicker crosses over his eyes.

"No, no, no. I know that look. Stop it, stop it right now." Loki says, squeezing my hand as Thor stands up, turning to Loki, looking very angered.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now