Why Did You Bring Me Here?

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The next few days pass as I do the same thing every day. While on one side, I feel like I'm going insane with the same routine everyday but on the other side, it actually feels nice here. I like doing the activities I do every day, to a certain extent.

I get up, slip on a dress as women rarely wear pants here; unless they're warriors and fight constantly. Next, I usually spend a large amount of time trying to remember which halls to travel down, memorizing the castle so I don't have to constantly ask for help. Sometimes I'll watch from afar as Frigga teaches Loki magic; sometimes in his library, sometimes outside in the gorgeous asgardian weather. Knowing I can't do more than my telekinesis, I stopped going to Friggas lessons but still watch without them knowing I'm there- - as creepy as that sounds.

If I'm in the mood I'll go into the city, I might pull small and amusing pranks on the adults surrounded by playing children, which always makes them laugh. Or occasionally the older bully picking on some younger kids.

The only time I have set in stone is early evenings- to late nights. That times reserved for meeting Loki up in his library as we continue reading either separately or too each other. I've learned Norse extremely quickly; I'm able to read it clearly and almost speak it fluently.

Throughout the day I attend all three meals, sitting with Odins family, usually I sit next to Loki or Frigga. Odin still doesn't like me very much but I've come to ignore his almighty tantrums. He would definitely kill me if I ever said that out loud. Thor, still loud as ever is still constantly annoying me. It's weird yet sort of funny how quickly and vastly people can change. Seeing how this Thor is in compared to the Thor I know; the professional, the serious, the smitten with Jane and not spending hours, and I quote, 'trying to win my affections'. I prefer the technically new Thor to the one I'm seeing now.

Speaking of change, I've come to realize and, partially accept, that the Loki I know from my present, is very different from the Loki I know now. He hasn't been burdened by whatever he's gone through that makes him the evil and slithering snake he is in his future. As of right now, he is kind, he is sweet, but above anything- - he is pure. I will do everything in my power to keep him that way.

After Odin conquered the nine realms he had promised peace and prosperity for all of Asgard; too bad no one knew what was coming to them. Now, there's no telling what else it could do to the future. People I know could die, the world could actually be taken over, families could die, I could be ripping families apart, I could die! The only option I now have is to somehow make sure Loki doesn't go down the path of evil. How to do that or how to make sure he stays good, I do not know.

Feeling as though the weight of the world- - well technically this world, whatever it's called, plus my world, rests on my shoulders I slip out from the dining hall, not having said a word during breakfast.

"Rayna!" Thor yells, prompting me to groan as quietly as I can as to not offend him. I turn around and smile sweetly.

"Hello, Thor." I greet. He smiles and gives me an friendly wave.

"Hello. I just, I just needed to talk to you about something possibly serious." Thor says, becoming serious for the first time in this past and I would be completely relived if I wasn't flooded with worry that Loki had already gone dark or they found out I'm not asgardian or there's some other sort of danger that I should've been stopping. Stepping closer, I lean in to ask.

"And what is so serious that you have to come to me?" I ask quietly, hoping if it is as bad as I think, not as many people will overhear.

Thor stops and takes a fear deep breaths before look at me, his eyes seeming serious and grave.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now