And I'm Suppose To Assume You Know Anything About Love?

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He turns around and sure enough.... the god of thunder. He laughs joyously.

I tilt my head down not wanting him to see me; for some reason I believe if he sees me, images of the future will be thrown at him.

Just as I'm walking past him he shouts,

"YOU! Who are you?" He asks and I stop, wincing. I turn around and give him a polite smile.

"I am Rayna, your highness." I introduce. Thor smiles wide, sauntering away from his group to stand in front of me. They follow, of course.

"No need for such a beautiful lady to call me by my status. Call me Thor." His voice rises as he says his name. Behind him, I see the one woman in their group narrow her eyes at me. Is that his girlfriend? What about Jane?

"How come we have never seen you in the castle before?" A man from the group stood out and asked. Thor quickly looks back at him.

"Yes, Fandral is right. I assume I would've seen an asgardian such as yourself walking around the castle without an escort." Thor says, sounding slightly suspicious; but what I'm more focused on is that he thought I could even be asgardian. I mean literally all the men and woman in this group are beyond gorgeous: their fluffy and soft looking hair is everything compared to my own frizzy hair, hair that's the color of wet sand. Their muscles have muscles as I can barley hold a ten pound weight. I mean they are already messing with my self-esteem. That's not ok! 

Laughing anxiously, I start cracking my fingers.

"Well I only just moved to the castle. The queen has agreed to be my mentor... or something, like that. I, I uh, I actually just moved in today." I nod in hopes of making it sound more believable.

By the sudden face change of Thor, his smile wide as he yells out an "AHA!", I assume my excuse worked. He attempted to connect my hazel eyes to his blue in a deep meaningful gaze but he was a little too tall compared to my height. He took both of his hands into one of mine. I once again saw the girl glare at me harshly from behind him.

"Then you must come to my coronation in a few weeks time. I am to be king of Asgard and I so would enjoy it if you were to be near the front. With my mother, won't you? As her apprentice." He said, looking at me expectantly.

What. Is. Going on?! This is not the Thor I know! Thor is, Thor is... I don't know but not this.

"Well..?" He asks. I can tell he's feeling antsy.

Ok, this is awkward. I haven't said anything. Everyone's just standing here, waiting for my answer. Oh god. He smiles at me and that small movement shakes me out of it.

Jumping away from him, I snatched my hand back. Sending him an awkward smile, I slowly start to back away.

"Thank you, really, so much. The invitation- - so nice. But, uh, maybe. I mean, I don't know, that's just. Ok, well, goodbye and good morrow." I trip and tumble over my words before turning around and briskly walking down the hall.

Good morrow? What does that even mean? That. That was so weird. Why, why was it so weird? Thor's an attractive guy- - sure! But his personality- - both of them, I guess, are not really my taste. He's a little too... obnoxious? I don't know, am I obnoxious? Oh my god, do people think I'm obnoxious? Do people even care if I'm obnoxious? Does anybody even care about me at all?!


I shake my head, pulling myself out of my racing thoughts. I look up just in time to see I could either continue going forward, or I could go either left or right. I try and remember my song and hope I didn't miss any turns during my mind spiral.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now