Why are you telling me this?

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I nod, saying a quiet thank you to the worker who had to bring me here. They smile and walk away. I look up at the large golden doors, green flickers between the designs. It's very faint if you aren't trying to look.

I know instantly that the worker had indeed brought me to the right place. Loki's room. I awkwardly bring my hand up and knock three times on the door.

"Come in, Come in." Loki's voice yells out quite harshly. I open the door wearily, peering in to see Loki pacing in his room. Like all others, his room is gold. A large bed with green and black blankets and golden structures shooting out four sides of the bed frame. Bookshelves line themselves along his walls.

"Who is it?" Loki yells a little. He stops immediately upon seeing me peeking into his room, his eyes wide. I step into his room, still gasping a little at the beauty of it.

"Rayna. What ever are you doing here?" He asks. I smile.

"I wanted to know if you found the warriors?" Again, pretending I didn't know they had escaped. Loki scowls and starts his pacing again.

"No. We did not."

"Do you think they're all right?" I ask genuinely this time. I didn't exactly know how well they would do on earth. Loki stops. He turns his head to look at me.

"Yes. I think they are alright... Excuse me, I must go." He says suddenly, moving around me. For a moment of a second I fear he's known I've been lying. But he can't. I'm an amazing liar! I follow after him, failing to keep up with him as he has long strides.

"Loki, where are you going?" I ask, wondering if he found out where the warriors went. Though I think it's pretty obvious. Loki stops. And I stop just in time not to knock into him. He turns around and looks down at me.

"I'm going to make peace with Jotunheim. Just like Odin wished." He explains. I grab his hand between my own, my stomach dropping to the pit with worry.

"Well, should I go with you?" I ask carefully. He furrows his brows.

"What ever for?" I sigh, looking around to see the guards are a good distance away.

"Loki, you just found out that your Laufeys son. Do you really want to go alone, face him alone this soon? Just to make peace." He looks deep into my eyes.

"I think I must. This has to be something I do alone. Can you understand?" He says calmly. How is he so calm? I would be raging and nervous and panicking. He just seems... fine. I bring my hand up to his cheek, making him instantly relax into it at my touch.

"I can. Just, be safe." I say softly. He nods against my hand, moving off of it to kiss me tenderly on the forehead.

"For you? Always."

And with that, he left, speeding off down the hall. I hope he's alright. Exhaling deeply, I start wandering the halls in deep thought. Just wondering about everything's that's happened, how exactly I got here, how or if they will ever be able to send me back to my time, will Loki and Thor and all the people of Asgard be alright? I can't believe this has happened to me- - Why has this happened to me?!

Groaning, I run my fingers through my hair.

"Rayna, dear?" A voice rings out. Stopping my fingers I take them out of my hair and look around for the voice. My gaze focuses and a slightly disheveled looking Frigga. I rush over.

"Frigga, What are you doing out? Is Odin ok?" I ask, worried and kinda panicked. Frigga shakes her head, trying to smile a little.

"No, no. He's alright... Still sleeping but he is the same. I just thought a nice quiet walk would do me some good." She explains in her usual soft voice.

Timeless Love ☞︎ A Loki Odinson Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now