Part 1: Family,Margaret,Before/Prologue

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*2 years before turn*

Daryl was at work at the automobile shop, when he gets a call from his brother. This is the second call he's gotten from Merle today so he decides not to ignore it this time.

"What is it Merle!", he says annoyed.

"Chill out baby brother. Is work really that stressful today?" Merle replies.

"Nah man. Just wish you would let me work!"

"Seems to be very stressful today."

"Why you say that?"

"Well you don't seem ta be havin' the time to answer phone calls. Like from your girlfriend."

"What do ya mean how would you know if she called me or not?"

"Cause she called me. Wonderin' why you wasn't pickin' up, said somethin' 'bout being in labor. Asked me to pick Hayley up from school and call you."

"Oh my god! Merle how long ago was that?!"

"Well since she called me, 'bout 45 minutes."

"What tha hell Merle!"

"Aye baby brother, don't shout at ole Merle now. I tried gettin' ahold of ya, ya didn't make it easy."

" I guess your right.", Daryl sighed," so you goin' to pick up Hayley?"

"Already got her. She's sleeping though. I'll bring her up to the hospital when tha baby gets 'ere. Just call me."

"Alright imma go ahead and get goin' to tha hospital." Daryl said before hanging up. He looked to his phone and noticed he had 15 missed calls from Margaret;his girlfriend, and 7 messages. He ran to his truck after clocking out, all while getting weird stares from his coworkers. He'll have to explain it later. He felt so damn guilty for not being with his girlfriend right now he didn't care.

  When he made it to the hospital, he darted through the doors, and to the reception desk.

"Hello sir how can I help you?" The receptionist asked him.

"I'm lookin' for Margaret Harris. She is havin' my baby." He answers.

"She is in surgery now."

"Surgery! What the hell do ya mean surgery!"

"She had a complication with the labor she had to have an emergency c-section."

"Shit! Well can I go back there and be with her?" He asks worried.

"No sir your gonna have to wait for her surgery to be over. You can wait in the waiting room. I'll send the dr in when your baby gets here."

"Why the hell cant I go back there! It's my girlfriend and the mother of both my children! What if somethin happens!" He shouts feeling helpless.

"Sir I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to sit in the waiting room."

He sighs and rubs his face with the back of his hand. Before slamming it on the desk making the lady jump, then walking into and sitting in the waiting room.

*An hour later*
Daryl was still worried sick. He was in the waiting room still. With Merle and His little 8 year old daughter Hayley. They showed up about 20 minutes earlier.

Daryl was nervously chewing the inside of his cheek, and tapping his foot as he watched his eldest child play with the blocks on the waiting room table. He couldn't stop thinking about the things that could go wrong. He knew he should have a positive attitude right now especially in front of Hayley but he had a bad feeling in his gut.

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