Running into the Son

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" Hey Hap, Juice, lets get going." Jax calls out.
Happy nods as Juice puts on his backpack, and the three of them leave the garage towards the lot. "Be careful." Gemma tells Jax. " We will be" He kisses her cheek, and climbs onto his bike. Happy and Juice follow Jax out of the lot as he heads towards the end of Oswald's property. With the Mayans blowing up their other building they used to store guns in, the Sons needed somewhere new to stash the inventory the IRA was sending their way. Clay struck a deal with Oswald, and Juice was going to do a land survey to set up the measurements for a new building.

Jax finds the dirt trail that leads back to the clearing Oswald mentioned. Finding the clearing, the boys get off their bikes, Juice sets up his laptop, a camera, and a tripod. He jokingly snaps a few photos of Jax and Happy, even though Happy is scrawling at him. " Erase those or else." Happy barks. " Alright, chill out." Juice chuckles. Jax walks the parameters, making small notes in his notebook and admiring the views. " Damn, if I knew his property looked like this, I would've built my house out here." Juice gets his photos and documents the coordinates as Happy and Jax make small talk. About 20 minutes later, Juice starts putting away his equipment. " I'm finished. I'll have to look online for building kits we can put together, but we have enough room to even put in a hidden safe room if need be. " Jax says " Ok, work on it tonight. For now, I feel like taking a ride before tonight's family dinner. "

Riding along, they pass the Welcome to Charming sign as the sun is setting, with barely any traffic in either direction. Happy is deep in thought, riding behind Jax and Juice, when something bumps his back tire, nearly causing him to veer right off the road. " What th......" Before he can finish, the car drives past him, narrowly missing Jax and Juice, going down over a small cliff and crashing into a tree. " Hap, are you ok?" Juice yells out. Happy doesn't say anything, just gets angry and jumps off his bike. He runs down the cliff towards the car. He going to beat the driver's ass. Ripping open the driver's side door, he pulls out a girl, and slaps her face. She's stunned, and he yells at her " Are you trying to kill me?"

She doesn't answer, her eyes rolling, slowly puts her hand up to block him in case he slaps her again.
" Answer me!" Happy growls, gripping up her shirt. Jax and Juice come up to the car, Jax yells " Hap, calm down." They hear a little girls voice scream " SISSY." Jax pulls open the back door to see a little girl strapped in a booster seat, probably around 4 years old. Juice says " Holy shit, look in the front seat. Looks like a crime scene." As Jax takes the little girl out of her seat, she starts to cry. " What's your name, baby?" " Gracie." She hiccups, looking at her older sister. " Who's that?"  Jax points to the driver Happy has a grip on. Gracie says " My sissy." Jax hands Gracie over to Juice, leans in the passenger window and looks in the front seat to see what he was talking about. There's blood all over the front seat, steering wheel, and 2 small suitcases on the floor on the passenger seat.

Happy let's go of the driver, and looks in at the scene through the car door. The driver takes 2 steps, and collapses. Happy kneels down next to her, and tries to wake her up, shaking her. He feels for a pulse, it's very faint, and unzips her hoodie, he notices the whole front of her shirt is red with blood. He pulls back the collar to see her injury, and notices she's been stabbed in the shoulder. " She is going to need a hospital, I don't think this is from her crashing into the tree." Happy tells Jax.

Jax turns to Juice " Call 911 and explain what's going on. I'll call Piney to tow her car. My mom will have to take Gracie for now until we get things figured out." Juice pulls out his burner and dials 911, as Happy holds the girl's hoodie to her shoulder. Wayne Unser pulls up at the same time the ambulance arrive. After the EMTs take the driver into the rig, the sons walk back up to the side of the road. As Hap and Juice talk to the EMTs, one checks out Gracie and the other is treating her sister in the back of the rig, as Unser talks to Jax. " What happened son?" Jax say " We were out for a ride and she drove up behind Hap, guess clipping his tire, then driving past us, ending up down the cliff and smacking into the tree. We went down to see what the driver was doing and saw the little girl and blood all over the car, so we called an ambulance." Unser says " Did you get a name?"
Jax shakes his head " We checked the car, registration says Daniel Ryan, but we didn't check her for I.D." As the EMTs drive away, Unser turns to the sons, sees Gracie asleep in Juice's arms and says " Who's the little girl?" Juice speaks up " She was in the backseat, says the girl is her sister." Unser says " I may need Social Services here to take her."

Gemma and Tara pull up to the accident and both run up to the guys " Are you all ok? Piney is coming with the tow truck." The guys nod and Gemma looks at the little girl in Juice's arms. " Was she In the car ? Is she hurt ? What's her name?" " Mom, slow down, yes she was, her name is Gracie, and no she isn't hurt. Would you be able to take her for now until we find out what's going on with her sister?" Gemma takes Gracie from Juice and walks over to her Escalade, laying Gracie on the back seat. Juice brings over Gracie's booster seat. Gemma shakes her head." That was in an accident, it's no good now. I'll stay here with her if you can ride down to the store about 2 miles down the road. Get her a new booster seat please." Juice leaves. Unser says" If for any reason you can't keep her, let me know. I'll have CPS take her. " Gemma shakes her head " That won't be necessary."

Piney pulls up and says " Shit, what happened?" Jax says " We will have to explain later, Pine. Right now, I'm waiting to here back from Tara. She just called me to say the ambulance just got to the hospital. Unhook the wench, and I'll walk it down the hill to hook up the car. Just forewarning, you won't like what you see." Piney just nodded and pulled the lever to loosen the winch. Jax grabs it and walks it down the hill, hooking it to the car. " Ok Piney, pull it up."

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