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One month after Graduation

Chibs sets Andrew down in his bouncy seat before heading out the door as Hannah is making breakfast for Gracie. "Bye mah love. Be good, lassie." He kisses the 3 of them goodbye. "Bye daddy." Gracie hugs his waist. " How long do you think this run will be, baby ?" Hannah asks as she sets Gracie's cereal in front of her. Chibs shrugs "I don' know, love. But I'll be back asap." Before he heads out the door, Gemma just walks in, setting Abel down he takes off toward the living room and she heads straight to the coffee. "Good morning, I need the biggest mug you have. Or I can just stick a straw in the pot." She jokes. Chibs gives her a kiss on the cheek, "Bye Gem." After Andrew eats, Gemma takes him as Hannah takes a Gracie out to the bus stop. Gracie turns to Hannah, "I know what I want Santa to bring me for Christmas, a baby sister." Hannah just stares at her, "Umm that was random. Besides, you have a baby brother, isn't that enough ?" Gracie shakes her head, "No. I love him, but I want a sister now." Hannah doesn't know what to say, but luckily the bus pulls up and Gracie gets on. She stops at the top of the steps, "Daddy will give me what I want. He always does." Hannah's eyes widen and she just scoffs.

Heading back inside, Gemma is already on her 2nd cup of coffee as Hannah pours herself some cereal. "So, are you still thinking of doing college courses ?" Gemma asks. Hannah starts munching on her cereal, "Yea, I have to go in a hour to Charming Community College, to speak with an advisor. You want to come with me ?" Gemma picks up Andrew, then rocks him, "Yea, then we can go shopping. You can help me plan Tara's baby shower. She wants to do a motorcycle theme for the nursery, of course, so we will need to go to the mall." Hannah nods, "Ok, that will work. I can start birthday shopping for Gracie. You know that little brat said she's going to ask Santa for a baby sister. Like, come on kid, I just gave you a brother." Gemma laughs so hard, she's in tears as Hannah just shakes her head, grumbling and eating her cereal," Chibs and I haven't even talked about having more kids. I mean geez, this is only a 2 bedroom apartment. We need a house first." Gemma chuckles, " Never know." Hannah shakes her head, "Oh hell no. Between him working, the club runs, and 2 kids, we haven't had any alone time since my graduation party a month ago. Nope, not today satan." Gemma bursts out laughing again, which causes Hannah to join in.

Walking around the mall, Gemma pushing Abel in a stroller as Hannah carries Andrew in a carrier, they stop at a party store. Of course, Gemma goes all out since it's her grandson, as Hannah looks for birthday decorations for Gracie's upcoming birthday. "She wants a princess party, and knowing her dad, she will get it. He already gave me money from his last run towards whatever she wants. He is still wrapped around her finger" Hannah shakes her head as Gemma checks her cell phone. "It's Clay. Can you watch Abel as I go outside and smoke ?" Gemma asks. "Yea, sure. I'll stay here in this aisle." Taking the stroller, she continues shopping as Gemma leaves. " He said the guys made it safely to Tacoma, and should be back in a few days." Gemma explains as she's walking towards them. Hannah is relieved, and snaps her finger, "Oh shit, I need to make Andrew's check up appointment with his pediatrician." They leave the store after paying, and head to the food court. Hannah sits down and texts Chibs YOUR daughter wants a baby sister for Christmas, and said daddy will give her what she wants Chibs texts back wth where did she get that idea? Hell no, but we can practice ;-) Hannah cracks up and texts back well with you there and me here, that's the safest sex we can have lol Chibs texts back funny.

Two Days Later

Sorry love, we have to stay another 2 days, things are taking a little longer than we planned. Hannah sighs as she reads Chibs text Ok, guess I'll have to see if bob wants to come out later to play after I lay Andrew down for a nap ;-) Chibs texts back that bob is going in the trash when I get home Hannah smirks someone is a little jealous of bob, what's wrong baby? Mad because you dont vibrate like he does lol Chibs is quick to answer keep it up smart ass. Andrew starts fussing just as Hannah's phone rings with a call from her advisor, " Hello Hannah, this is Mrs. Taylor. Just calling to let you know classes start on September 12th, and your books will be ready for you to pick up on August 20th. Your syllabus will be ready by then as well, so you can start reading ahead of time if you wish." Hannah sits down to feed Andrew as she talks to Mrs. Taylor, "Ok great. Just wondering, how does the daycare work? I only need it during my class time for an infant boy. And some days, a 6 year old girl when she's not in school." Mrs. Taylor explains " We give discounts on multiple siblings, and we do pay by the day to make it easier for parents. You would need to drop off food and a diaper bag, and we also have a nursing room if you to do that as well since there's a few days you have full time classes." Hannah scribbles down all of the details. "Can you just give me those dates again please ?"

After getting off the phone with her advisor, Hannah puts Andrew in his swing so she can mark all the dates on her calendar that she needs to remember. After filling it in, she looks back at the previous month to look for the cookie recipe it had on it. Something catches her attention. Oh Shit. Looking at the clock, she realizes Gracie won't be home for an hour. Packing up Andrew in his carrier, she leaves the apartment and walks down to the corner store, which is only 2 blocks away. After paying for her stuff, she goes back home and lays Andrew his crib. After she finishes what she needs to do, she sits at the table with her head in her hands. Shit shit shit. Taking a deep breath, she picks up her phone and texts Chibs well, Daddy gave Gracie what she wanted.....again Chibs texts back what are you talking about ? Hannah snaps a photo of what's in her hand -
A positive pregnancy test.

The End 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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